From 0 to hero ... quick guide.

Day 860, 04:32 Published in Romania Romania by Nomad_Soul

Cu toate campaniile de informare, unele bune, altele mai putin vizibile, altele greu de inteles m-am decis sa postez un mic ghid pentru incepatori cu primii pasi ce trebuie facuti in noua eviata. Fiind un jucator nou, incepi cu 100 wellness (viata). Primele lucruri pe care trebuie sa le faci pentru a ajunge la lvl 3, pentru a putea lupta sunt:

1. My places -> Profile -> edit profile (mai in dreapta putin) - upload avatar
2. Market - Job Market -> gaseste o slujba pe manufactura, land, constructii (ce doresti) -> apply for job
3. My places -> company -> apasa butonul "work" (ai prima zi lucrata in eRe. si primii bani castigati)
4. My places -> training grounds -> click basic training.
5. Market -> marketplace -> selecteaza "painea" si cumpara cateva paini (cetateanul trebuie sa manance in fiecare zi 1 paine pentru a nu pierde wellness, in caz contrar fiecare zi in care nu mananca el pierde 4 wellness )

* Work scade un numar egal de wellness cu numarul stelelor pe care-l are firma la care te-ai angajat (de la 1->5).
* Trainingul scade 1 wellness point.

In momentul acesta ar trebui sa ai lvl. 3 si poti lupta. (fiecare lupta scade 10 wellness / nu lupta sub 40-50 wellness).
In pagina principala apare o iconita rosie de genul "Romania has attacked Hungary, fight for your country" -> click -> apare pagina cu batalia si ai butonul de "fight" . Lupta pana ajungi la un wellness intre 40 -> 50.

Dupa ce ai luptat si ai ajuns la welnessul respectiv, procedeaza in felul urmator:

My places -> profile -> click on location -> mai jos gasesti spitalul cu butonul heal. Spitalul iti regenereaza viata cu cat ai pierdut in batalii (o singura data pe zi) ... cu asta ai cam terminat, poti sa mergi sa citesti tutorialele, ziarele, cauta oameni care sa te mai ajute.

[PART 2] ... soon.
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To reach lvl 3 -> ...

1. My places -> Profile -> upload avatar
2. Market - Job Market -> find a job you like -> apply for job
3. My places -> company -> click work button (you worked for the company you get your first paycheck) 4. My places -> training grounds -> click basic training (first option of training)
5. Market -> marketplace -> buy some bread by selecting it. (you need to have each day 1 bread or you'll loose 4 wellness points.)

Now you are lvl 3 and able to fight (and you have around 97 wellness ) If you see in the home page a red link (for exemple. Russia attacked Finland (or any other country) Fight for your country .... click on the link and it will bring you to the battle field . CLICK FIGHT (each fight costs 10 wellness ... it is better not to go under 40 wellness)

After you fight and reach wellness around 47, go to -> my places -> profile -> click on location and then a little lower you'll see the hospital with heal button (click it).

Now you'll have the wellness you lost in battles back (IMPORTANT you can heal just once / day)

From now on this is what you need to do ... work, train, fight (when you'll reach higher levels you will be able to open your own newspaper / company / join some military units . Enjoy the game.

Any questions, just ask.