Fri. 13th Special: Nominations for Best Article (Feb 8-13) + Bonus Material

Day 451, 23:41 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

To vote, follow this link:

Yes, I know it’s Friday and not officially the end of the week. Since I won’t be around to post on the official day, I’ve had to kick start this round of nominations a bit early. Don’t worry -- anything written on Saturday will be included in next week’s SPABA, whose Final Five will be put forth by Prince Dominik.

The past 6 days have brought us “The Wheat Board Battle,” McCarthyist witch-hunts, gimmicks galore (I know I got my 3 CAD), and the boomer news glut.

I’ve got a suitcase to pack and a flight to catch, so here is the kwik’n’e-z version of this weeks Shameless Plug Award nominations.

1. "PEACE's Intention in Canada?" by Joey Phillips of The Yellow-winged Darter.
The Plug: Nothing says “readership” like ringing that alarm bell. Joey raised some pointed questions and stirred up a little hornet’s nest of worry. We’re still looking over our shoulders 5 days later.
Best Lines: Political Coups D’état’s have become a fashionable thing in eRepublik…. Some are successful and some are not. Canadians must come together to counter the threat of foreign influence.

2. "The breakdown of the Canadian food industry" by Duiveltje of Hollandia.
The Plug: Duiveltje’s account of what ails the food industry made public the growing unrest between congress and food company owners. Granted, Dean22’s forum thread To Congress with Love, the Canadian Food Industry was what really got the ball rolling, but Hollandia put it into news e-print and then some.
Best Lines: Low prices…a lot of stock…Canadian companies still in business. All is good you might think. The margins of the entire food industry are right now being crushed.

3. "Food Strike Compromise" by Alexander Rearden of Rearden Times.
The Plug: Putting out the fire makes as good a story as starting one up. Rearden’s crisis management reads simply, but it marked a big moment in eCanada history.
Best Line: The recent weeks of prosperity in Canada has hit the Canadian Food Industries the hardest and now policies are being enacted to reach a balance between the consumer and the producers which will continue Canadian prosperity.

4. "Accountability" by Vincent Lagoza of Conservative Soul.
The Plug: Vincent makes a few clear observations about congress voting and sparks off a great round of comments about the nature of democracy in eCanada. Is it the article or the responses to it that garnered this nomination? Why not both?
Best Line: The new tax law passed with great glee from eCanadians all over eCanada. But for 11 members of congress, who voted against it, stand up and take responsibility for your actions. eCanadians should know what their congressmen voted for..

5. "Zanalan's eCanada" by Alias Vision of Freeholder Press.
The Plug: It’s seems no SPABA nomination would be complete without a Freeholder Press article. It’s the first time to read people saying an article deserves a nomination. Oh yeah, the interview was pretty good, too. How did he get Zanalan to say so much?
Best Question: All major parties agree to the Rearden doctrine on the economy, or so their platforms and proposed cabinets suggests, but is it time to re-analyse the approach we take with our markets?

Go to the polls:

Since it is Friday the 13th and the whole award process has been thrown out of whack by an early reveal, why not throw a little more caution to the wind. As a bonus to this issue of The Shameless Plug, we’re presenting the first SPAWA – an award for worst article written this week. Okay kiddies, don’t read on if you have sensitive egos or just don’t want to see anyone get hurt. Publishing is an ugly business and we’re proud to make it one step stup1d-@ss uglier.

For you brave ones, find the poll in the eCanada Off-topic forum: