Frank Zafka For President -- an eCzech for a Stronger Union

Day 1,413, 22:57 Published in Slovakia Czech Republic by Frank Zafka

My fellow citizens of Czechoslovakia, today I officially announce my candidacy for President of the CSFR.

VOTE FOR FRANK ZAFKA!!! A stupid name for a man in a smart leisure suit!

If you don't know me, you should, because I'm awesome.

I'm currently Minister of Defense.
I've been congressman 5 times, twice for Czechoslovakia, 3x for the Czech Republic.
I've been ambassador the eUK and eUSA.
I've held the office of Ministry of Communication/Information.

My largest claim to fame is that I was part of the Czech Government that negotiated the MPP with Hungary that stalled the original unilateral attempt at forming a confederated Czechoslovak state. Later, a more cooperative attempt to create the CSFR formed our strong union with shared leadership between Czechs and Slovaks.

It's about this shared leadership that I wish to speak. We are a union of two states. In RL, the previous union of these two states proved untenable, and they separated peacefully. There's much historical context and political matters that caused them to split, much of which I can't fully understand as I'm neither Czech nor Slovak. But here in the game, we've struck an accord. The working agreement for unification states that, in order for Czechs to feel fully represented in their adopted nation (under the flag of Slovakia) that we must swap the presidency every month. As eCzech, I'm eligible under these rules. The problem is that each month, under presidential exchanges, those with a nationality not in power end up out of the loop, often unaware of important moves that effect all citizens.

This leads to problems.

We've encountered several today. First, Czechs feel slighted at not being included in negotiations that involved their native land. Even though we are unified, and even though this is just a game and this is a deal that's beneficial for all parties, these lands are representative of real regions. We all love our native countries. Any time there is a deal regarding regions of our homeland, emotions will run high, even if there's acknowledgement that the agreement is good.

The second problem was the starting of a resistance war before the time was right as part of this agreement with Austria. The reason this happened is lack of ready information. We didn't want to reveal the timing of every battle because we did not want the enemy to know our plans. Since we have to battle daily against the communist insurrection, we feel the need to keep information guarded. However, if we don't let the people know what our plans are, there can be problems like what happened today.

My proposal in response to the problems listed above and open for debate, is to create a "council of elders". This is a group of older, trustworthy citizens equal parts Slovak and Czech (3-3 perhaps) that will be voted on by popular majority. They must be RL citizens and at least 600 days old. They will not have any actual authority in game, but they will be part of the discussion and have the responsibility to disseminate information to their constituents. In this way, we can be given immediate feedback from both Czechs and Slovaks, as well as spread pertinent information to those who we can trust in a quick, safe way.

My second major initiative will be to win the war of information against the insurrectionists. We need to fight their misinformation. Currently, the wiki reads incorrectly that "Czechoslovakia has ended". We must correct this falsehood. We need to spread the correct information. We must fill the wiki with fact and spread the news of our triumphant union to all nations, friendly and unfriendly. See, honorable nations, even if they're on the other side, will sympathize with the Czechs and Slovaks right to self determination. The strength of spreading the correct information can be seen in the actions of the Bulgarian president and congress who voted to turn down Iroh90's request for an MPP after they found out that he does not rule with the consent of the Czechs. This will make the Ministries of Education and Information very demanding.

Beyond that, I wish to maintain the Austrian land swap unless it proves too difficult to manage, and to maintain many of Gabberattacks processes and proposals that gave us this period of relative prosperity and peace. I want to "stay the course" as it were.

Should I be elected, my cabinet would consist of the following Members:

Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs: Red Duck
Minister of Education: Nerux
Vice Minister of Education: Doco11
Minister of Information: Gabberattack
Vice Minister of Information: Doco11
Minister of Defense: Greatmoff
Vice Minister of Defense: Dimitru Osraldescu
Minister of Finance remains Stileth until he wishes to step down... but he's awesome and we don't want him to step down.

Thank you all for your time, and hopefully, for your votes.

-Frank Zafka
Candidate for President