First month in eRepublik

Day 2,854, 20:12 Published in USA USA by Matt Oaks

Well, it's here. 30 days. One month. The big 3-0. The day I can now finally start feeling good about myself because Plato told me I'm a "Hard Worker". (Well, technically that day was like 20 days ago, but whatever).

If anyone remembers my first article which attracted quite a bit of attention, I had a very similar opening (don't go back and read it, I was new, it's cringe worthy just don't). The point is that the premise is the same: I tell you how awesome I've been, you all congratulate me, I feel validated and then we all move on with our lives.

In all seriousness though, I just thought it would be cool to do another milestone article. So read it. Ok? Ok. Time to get serious.

I've attached two headers to the top of the article, one being my shitty newspaper one and the other the We The People banner. I did this because We The People has allowed me to get where I am today. Now moving passed the shameless party plug.

I've changed a lot in some ways since my 7 day milestone article but in a lot of ways I haven't. I've tried to keep up my go-get-it attitude and approach to eRep, and , thankfully it's continued to do me well. I have now extended my resume to include the following:

Deputy of Recruitment WTP
WTP Chief of Staff
eUSA Congressman
Deputy Secretary of Citizen Affairs
USAF Reserves Captain Unit 1

One month people. This is where you congratulate me 😉.

In all seriousness though, it doesn't feel like I need congratulations for it, I've just wanted to make the game more fun for myself and for others and the only way I know how to do that is to just do it.

I laugh when I look back at the awesome, wecloming comments some of the great people I've come to know left me on my first article. Like this:

And this:

And especially this:

I even got a compliment (kinda) from VT:

Thank you all for being so super supportive. *Oaks tears up*.

I could write forever, but I'm just gonna say this. I've categorized this article under First steps in eRepublik because compared to so many I'm still taking those first steps. I also know I have a lot further to go so I'm trying to stay motivated for the times to come.

I here that eRep is dead a lot and that the game can't be fun for new players. While that first part may be true in a technical way, I can wholeheartedly disprove the second.

And I say that because I HAVE had fun. Meeting new people, doing more and more in eRep;

And I have no intention of stopping.

Thank you everyone,
