First Article! and other thoughts

Day 964, 07:39 Published in USA USA by Illiguy

Well I finally decided to enter the media world, and of course I had to keep with my Alex Grey theme I started with my avatar. For those of you who aren't familiar with him, you should check out his work (he's best known for his work with the band Tool). Anyways, I hope to keep up regularly with this paper and make it a success!

Everyone is putting in their two cents about V2, so that's what I'm going to do now whether you like it or not. To be honest, I think it's going to be fine. The new professions add a layer of complexity to business and the time management feature allows for more options in player development. I am concerned about the military module and the long-term upkeep of happiness for those who don't spend RL money on this game (such as me), but only time will tell on those fronts. I do know that we have awesome people in the military, both here in the eUS and abroad, and I'm sure they will find ways to make it effective and entertaining, warts and all. The flurry of negative reactions and threats of leaving remind me of every time they make changes to Facebook:OMGOMGOMGOMG CHANGE!!!!! I'M MELTING ARRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!! I understand the frustration of veterans who have put a lot of time into this game, but I think in a few weeks everyone will survive and forget what the gnashing of teeth was about in the first place. But only time will tell, I hope I'm right.

Anyways, I will get more fancy with formatting and everything in future articles. I just wanted to get this first one under my belt. Thanks for reading!