Face(book) Palm Or pop George for CP

Day 1,797, 18:21 Published in USA Switzerland by pop George
Editors note; do not follow the link to the debate area unless you want to see Ajay Face Palm page...

Proposed by Ronald Gipper Reagan Debate Area

What is scary, there is another one...facepalm/ajay.bruno1 see the one afterwards

Trolling further; my two cents

if chickensguys is Ajays' sidekick and since senseless Inwegen is the faux crown prince Arundel's sidekick and we all are certain Ajay and Arundel where separated at birth doesn't it make sense chickensguys and Inwegen where as well?

Points of CP candidate's credentials

Notice the attention my last announcement received

I most troll a little to well. Because as the entertainment value gets brought up whenever I am not running, I can't help but wonder why no forum dwellers bother pointing out the obvious...I get a lot of attention and create pointless bickering as well, if not better than any other players of a pointless game.

Consider asking your party to endorse pop George counrty president candidate