eWorld Warfare Report

Day 2,129, 16:07 Published in USA USA by Bucephalus92

Greetings Bros,

Banners courtesy of blondeninja and Mourning Star

In North America Poland has managed to regain initiative and has conquered 5 consecutive territories from the United States. However with the Epic Warfare Tournament ending the United States will be awarded a Q5 shield (6 billion damage) giving us an opportunity to regain initiative. Meanwhile Mexico and Spain were able to come to an agreement to engage in a training war rather than initiate true hostilities.

Check out this article by NCS director HeapSeppo for more information.

In South America Brazil continues to struggle to overthrow Argentinian oppression with a resistance war currently raging in the North-East of Brazil. This battle currently stands 54-34 in favor of Argentina.

Bolivia has also managed to return the map overthrowing their Chilean occupiers, whether they will still be around for congress is uncertain. Bolivia is currently launching an attack agsinst Peru that is succeeding 23-32, however Peru has a shield bonus and seems to be making a comeback.

It is worth noting that Russia has lost its colony in South Africa despite having the consent of South Africa to stay there. With this region no longer available to ensure a congress Russia will fight to the last man to defend their final regions from hungary.

The situation for CoT in Europe has unfortunately gone from bad to worse. What began as a promising attempt to secure the far North of Europe for pro-CoT forces with Bulgaria, Norway, Sweden, and Finland secure has unfortunately been stopped dead in its tracks. Romania'a airstrike into Bulgarian controlled Norway turned the tide and has since lead to the complete wipe of Bulgaria, and the near wipe of Norway, Sweden, and Finland.

Things don't look much better as you head South towards the Mediterranean. Belgium was temporarily wiped by the U.K. before successfully liberating Wallonia and launching a counter attack against the U.K. in Brussels, however they are currently losing 56-21. Meanwhile Italy has lost just about everything they had gained in the demolishing of Slovenia to the Serbians. Switzerland is also in the fight of its life against Slovenia to try and secure a congress for themselves for the first time in months. They currently winning in Svizerra Italiana.

To the East Russia has lost all but Northern Russia however they are neck and neck with both Ukraine and Hungary in two resistance wars.
50-49 against Ukraine in Central Black Earth.
17-16 against Hungary in North Caucasus.

Really not much to report on regarding the Middle East, Greece (brown) and Turkey (pink) have essentially taken whatever they want. Israel (purple) and Iran (silver) also have decent holdings while Egypt (red), Saudi Arabia (green), and United Arab Emirates (other little purple) take what they are given.

Theres actually some news to report in Asia, but unfortunately its a little bit of good mixed with bad. The bad news is the Bosnia and Herzegovina has lost its territories in India, and will therefore have to rely on a successful resistance war against Serbia to have a congress this month. The good news is that Japan has succeeded in removing Portugal from their homeland. What Portugal was doing there in the first place I have no idea, but good on ye Japan.

The one region of the world where CoT isn't getting steamrolled is in Australia and Oceania, where Indonesia has conquered most of Australia while still retaining its original regions and the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) has conquered all of New Zealand and two of Australia's regions. Both countries seem secure and have respectable bonuses.

I can't handle this right now

This TED talk is given by a brain scientist telling the story of her stroke. Its a little long but is an incredibly good one.