Everybody's Doing It!

Day 1,725, 02:49 Published in Thailand Thailand by Mystela

Well almost everyone... I tried and was barely able to hold my own attention, let alone someone else's. :/

Maybe I was too inhibited, not wanting to completely bare myself to the critical masses. Self-imposed censure in hand, I discovered that my imagination was totally devoid of interesting content, pg-rated or otherwise. I quickly realized that, even if I threw the curtains wide open, nothing would be seen that hadn't already been seen a million times before.

Why were so many people doing it then? What was the allure? Were they all closet exhibitionists, fearlessly flaunting their wares in pursuit of that illusive 15 minutes of fame? Did they even care whether or not anyone checked them out?

Has the eRepublik media module become an advertising blog in disguise?

While the media module encourages literary experimentation, attracting aspiring writers, unless an article is a total diatribe against the game, the module also serves as a unique public service announcement. More than just old-fashioned word of mouth or super sonic, fragmented digitial blips, the media module cum blog, daily produces hundreds of pages containing thousands of words, in languages spanning the globe, all with eRepublik related content as the central or underlying theme. In fact, it's a product freely self-replicating without impetus from the host. Heyyyy, wait a minute... o.O

Media module to advertising blog to virus-like behaviour in three easy eRepublik steps.

Blogging, or just one minute of your time please.

That's right, although Warhol said I'm entitled to 15 minutes, I'll take whatever you've got to spare, more or less. Note that, while this is as close as you'll ever get to the genuine article, despite the name of my thinly disguised newspaper blog (yes Admin, I see what you did there) & my rather catchy divider, I won't be exposing myself or showing any of you who I really am. 😮 Even so, I sincerely hope that I've captured your imagination, whetting your appetite just enough to keep you coming back for more.

My playful eIndonesian allies, fear not! Of course you can't be afraid, you are Indonesian.

Still, I will close my curtains & sail over to your islands to fight the good fight at your side. Together, we'll repel our enemies to the ocean, where they'll lazily linger on the sand. They're mainly Dioists you know, although I hear there are many Dartrealists among them too. No matter! They'll all be lulled by the rising swell of the seas, drifting with the tides, in & out, in & out, in &, oh well you know the drill. 😉 They'll become like freshly sculptured, supple drift wood, beautifully smooth yet water logged & therefore slow to move & easy to prey on. 😛

And there will be cake! \o/

eAmericans & their friends are coming to eIndonesia & there will be cake! & everyone will blog about it, succumbing to the Admin's overwhelming preoccupation with our minds. 😐