EUK Epic Fail

Day 2,457, 12:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by newmansaveme

EUK has lost Trondelag. We must now move to the defensive in Norway. However we have a bigger much more darker problem. The Canadians have invaded North-West Ireland. I suggest we quit in Norway now to deal with the immediate threat. The EUK should not be wiped again. Look at it. EUK needs to fight with Canadians. When we invade North-West Ireland which will become Canadian we are not invading Ireland. We need not even declare war on them. But we can finally get a foothold in North-America and wipe out Canada with the help of EUSA. We can together control the North East. We need more power. We need to take North-West Ireland and Newfoundland and Labrador.
Update: We got Trondelag back after a massive effort. But look how close we were to failure. We need to reassess our strength. We were so close to losing this campaign but we were saved by working together and supporting each other.
Fighting is good for our economy. Look at our country before Picardy. The graph shows a steep increase in tax revenues. This is because of increased spending. Norway has also brought increased spending.
Tell the Politcians to attack Nord-Norge next. This would be much easier than trying to attack Oslo. We can then attack Oslo.