eNew Zealand Official Recommendation for Holding Companies

Day 3,161, 01:30 Published in New Zealand Chile by President of the eNew Zealand

New changes in the economy game mode, what they bring us? Where to open the holding companies? What companies to open? All on that subject in the text that follows.
First of all I need to apologize this announcement shod be published earlier but due the lack time it was impossible. So let`s start.
What new changes bring us?
Nothing good, as usual. At first on paper new changes were promising but later on we could see that the Admins just want to rewind us like they rewind us before. Putting more companies in one Holding Company remind us on the old Organizations (removed by Admins) . But ok never mind for its name, sounded good at the time, but then we were informed that in a future if you want to move your companies from one HC to another you will have to pay for it.
The formula for relocation is 4% company value + 1% of value for each 1000 km traveled, capped at 20% value. Lets see what the Admins say how much does it cost: “Let’s take for example a Q7 Weapons Factory, its face value is 1230 Gold (10 Gold creation + 1220 cost of upgrades). Using the Monetary Market exchange rate, that value will be converted to Currency (assuming an exchange rate of 400 Currency / Gold). 1230 Gold would translate into 492000 Currency, which would bring the assign costs between 24600 and 98400 Currency depending on distance.” So 24600 to 98400 CC per one Q7 company. First thing that irritate is that Admins using Monetary Market exchange rate when that suits to their advantage, while on the other side the TP, RH, etc. medals were once 5 GOLD each, and now they are 1000 CC. using the printing money exchange rate. Now how is that for double standards?
Price of the HC? First one is free that is nice but remember if you want to open next one it will costs you 25 GOLD, and the next one 50, and the next 75, etc. “Holding Company cost = Number of Holding Companies owned * 25 Gold.” And if you want to play seriously you will need to hold more than one HC. In order to be able to work as manager, you will need to be located in the region where the Factories are located. This is very important it will cost us a lot to WAM in all companies if you have several types of factories.
Bottom line is this and this is an official recommendation from eNew Zealand Ministry of Finance:
Players with the small business, those who produce weapons and food for themselves and mostly using WAM option, open your company in Otago eNew Zealand. You will not have additional cost for traveling etc.
Players with the large business, those who using workers go to USA. Not just that they have excellent bonuses now, they will have them and in the future due the size and number of the regions they got.

But our recommendation is to layoff from economy and sell all your factories (accept those for personal needs) because this new economy mode is a joke, bigger then the previous one. Why? Let`s say that I have 4 q7 weapon factories, 4 q5 food companies, 1 q5 house company + 200 q5 raw companies. Naturally I want to get the highest production that I can, so I need to open 3 Holding Companies for them, that is 75 Gold just for start. Ok now I am running all factories are where they supposed to be, but wait I need to buy the new pack if i want additional 20% production bonus. Lets say that you can buy it for 90k CC Can you earn 90k CC every month from your factories? And then few months later the new resource war emerge. Now what? Now you need to pay Good only knows how much to relocate your companies to get the maximum production bonus, and don’t forget additional 200 gold for 3 new Holding Companies. You will never earn that much money with your companies, no my friend “no es posible”.
So forget the factories open for yourself in our country, yes you will have smaller bonus but you will cut down expenses for traveling and you will help eNew Zealand Economy we have the minimal taxes 1%

And if you want to earn some money invest funds in packs that will boost your energy, with everyday battles you can live from TP and BH medals just fine.
Now there is a new industry (airplane) still foggy for us. So it won`t be covered in this article.
To fix the Economy mode of the game Admins first need to kill the WAM option and stop the hyper production, to fix the monetary market like it was before, and few other things.

Proudly owner of OIS Food Company Otago