Emergency Jobs Available

Day 656, 11:37 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

If I am to understand correctly we have a lot of unemployed people today due to underhanded tactics of some unsavory players.

I have opened 20 Positions in my Iron Co. Brighid's Forge

10 Skill 0 @ 4 IEP
10 Skill 1 @ 4 IEP

I will personally fund this until the end of the crisis or until I go broke, whichever comes first.

Any people who are unemployed, please go to


There is no reason for you to suffer or lose your chance at your good worker incentive for the treachery of others.

I urge any other company owners to do what they can.

Take care of your brothers and sister!

(If I have completely overestimated this emergency, feel free to flame me below, otherwise, lend a hand!)

Donovan Thomas