Elections (Done old school :) )

Day 2,377, 04:42 Published in Ireland USA by binksy

Now i know the system had changed and endorsing Individuals is Irrelevant at this stage but feck your rules we are doing this my way 🙂

So the elections are upon us once again

So my plan is simply this i am currently looking through the top 5 partys (Sadly Independent Voices not among them this month but thats life )
And i will be mentioning one or 2 form here and there that stick out and there party.
I am also doing this to re-familiarize myself with the details of Irish politics nowadays and so i welcome all additions and info you guys have to add i may edit to include this or well lets just see how lazy i get 🙂

So in 1st
The Labour Party - President is Ian Arbuckle (sound lad)
32% of current congress
(jaysus thats alot of big names )
Right so the ones that jump out are :
Nogin the Nog (former .. well most things actually and a great vote altho if i need to explain that you shouldnt be voting just put the slip down and back away slowly .. theres a good lad )
Sweet drinker ( if i need to explain who he is again no vote for you )
Ian Arbuckle again a great vote
Also Orangejuiceman , Irishbohy and Alexandria the great

Hell i might just vote labour myself at this rate
Although i dont know to much about the recent actions of a few here so info is welcome
next in 2nd we have
The Independent Labour Party - President colin fox
25% of current congress
Not sure why the need for 2 Labour parties when a merge would give them a serious majority by the looks of things
So then :
Liam tatlock (very experienced player)
Danilo garcia (also around a long time )

Not to many that jump off the page in this party it seems
Eire Aonair -President Rafaia
9% of current congress
Again alot of big names i am surprised to see them struggling for seats in comparison to ILP base on what i have seen

Here there is :
Anthony colby (very agreeable player )
Mr.Tayto (just vote for him it cant be explained hes just worth a vote)
Paddy o,brien(Great vote for Ireland here bit firey this one)
Klynn (another with experience)
Ian E coleman (does great work for Ireland made his name editing the wiki)
seannan (again an explanation will cost you your vote)
3rd is
Irish Freedom Party - President Bhane
22% of current congress

Right then:
Retro Contractor (Very experienced)
Bhane(who you just have to have heard of)
John Gormley(great guy been around for far to long at this stage )

looks solid here
Last but not least
The Left Hand of Ireland - Queen Emereldas
6% of the current congress

so here theres:
Winston Hope smith
BiednyMis (one of Irelands biggest tanks )

So there it is as i see it from a quick glance through the parts seems labor has a majority it dosent want to make use of
and oldies rule as they always have

All the best