Day 644, 23:25 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas


By the time you read this many will have read the sad news that Digits and Grainne are done.

Done in by politics, hate and rhetoric.

I have been guilty of this myself. While I have asked hard questions, I have at times done it in an overly stylized and perhaps sensationalist manner that may have drawn unwanted to fire from those who are quick to anger toward a noble cause by a noble Man.

For this, I am heartfully sorry.

The matter stands though that I am an independent thinker. I came here to Independent Voices the moment I leveled up to join a party. And the reason I did was two names.

Number one: Digits

On the day of my first comment he PM'd me and offered his guidance and thanks that a noob would use his voice. When I stood up to President Aran Tal for what I saw were sins of laziness, he again, offered non-judgemental and even keeled support of my voice. His was an honest road, a road less travelled and one where only he saw the pitfalls and soldiered on in his own way gracefully ducking stone and barb. Never once mentioned his "party". He did not try and recruit me as others did.

Number two: Grainne

Who has not stood in awe of this War Goddess? This maven of the martial way who would seek only to lead men into battle, straining at her reigns to keep Eire safe? A woman who carried our Fine Brutes into the maws of Hades on her shoulders and nurtured them as a mother? A defender of the weak, I dare say a shepherd. That in the end she tried to play the suits at their own game was a measure of her courage.

Grainne was not a member of IV but a supporter of strong voices that did not fear a fool’s criticism.

These two people, these great eIrish citizens were felled by the same bow, with one very poison arrow.

This arrow has many names; Intolerance, Avarice, Greed, Hate and Cowardice to name a few.

I shall fashion my armor against this arrow in the kiln of their fire. I shall paint my face with their blood and tears.

I shall not let eIreland fall to men such as would take her from us.

I offer myself as a rally point. I offer my services as an interim leader until such time as Independent Voices, The One Globe Project and the Safety of eIreland are secure.

I ask that those of you who would join in ending Political Partisan Madness, eGreed and Hate will stand around me, if only for a moment until the din calms. I care not for power.

I care not for glory, gold or fame.

I care for eIreland.

And I fear two of her best are lost to us.

I beg you to publish. If you own a newspaper, Write to them. Call them back. Use this format.

Our Anam Chara has has gone

Bring them back to us.

Bring us Strength, Bring us Reason

As only you could.

We wait for you with our eyes open.

-The Children of Ireland

They are not all that is eIreland. But they were an important part and they cared so much more than the “men” who would have you be quiet and still and do as they say…

Raise your Voice! Answer with kindness and reason. But remember, kindness and reason are bound by;


Very Respectfully,

Donovan Thomas
Proud Independent Voice