eAustralian politics in the coming month

Day 3,081, 04:59 Published in Australia United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

eAustralian citizen,

soldiers, civilians, workers and businessmen, this is news from eAustralian congress. By the way, if you want to shape any Australian law, leave a comment in this article, your congressman Jockson will push it through. Thanks for voting for Revolutionary socialist party.

Your congressman Jockson will also bring the readers the exclusive news from congress talks.

Here is latest news.

The first congress circular letter has been sent today. The issue is financing the airstrike.

The airstrike destination is top secret. If you guess it... you get 2 gold pieces from Jockson.

Our newspaper reporters have found out, that there are many economic resources scattered around the world, but the word is, that some enemy countries are holding to this Australian colonies.

Picture: worst countries in the world.

More news about the airstrike will follow. Subscribe to Jockson's newspaper. Read all about it.