DT: Presidential Goals [Game Mechanics]

Day 1,048, 01:38 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
The How and the Why

“The Campaign Goals of the Presidential Candidates are now Final!”

Please enjoy the following summation of my Presidential Goals (per game mechanics)

First off: Growing the population

I've chosen a larger than normal number of 10%. Why? Simple. Ten percent of our current population equates to 87 people. Seem like a lot of new citz?

Consider the manner in which you were e-born. You found the game, you registered... then you tried to figure out the mess that is e-rep-for-the-noob. It can be daunting; "Where do I go? What do I do? Do I jump in right away and start spouting off or remain a quiet watcher and lower my entertainment value?"

One of the reasons we lose so many people is that they either just don't get it or don't feel a part of the community. If you are a little older like me then you had Plato as a sort of broke-d!ck midwife... and if you don't know who he is, let's just say he sucked. If we (the active players) welcome the 'first day' players into our country, help them, groom them for success, then we shall exceed my goal of 87 players exponentially. We must give them that human factor that we all hold dear, that we ourselves hold on to. We can do it if we do it together as a community.

If elected I shall direct the Minister of New Citizens to compile a daily list of who has joined eRep in eIreland. They shall publish a daily article with links to their citizen accounts with a direct link to mail them. I would encourage each of us to welcome them, tell them about ourselves, offer them our hand in helping them join our community and if need be, offer some minor monetary or supply assistance (remember when ten IEP let alone one gold seemed like a jackpot?). Bottom line... make them feel more a part of eIreland and less the noob outsider.

Secon😛 GDP and You and Me

Let's cut to the chase... any number over 3% (which equates to zero gold) means that you intend to leave a sizable amount of gold in the treasury. This means that you intend to leave gold there to be taken by the enemy in the event of a war or PTO or you just plain don't understand the concept. We, like many other smart countries with hostile neighbors (look across The Sea there, not the ocean) keep our cash in an org, in our case, Banc Ceannais. Growing the GDP is outstanding, and I look forward to having the chance to increase our GDP in conjunction with our would-be MoF and the eIrish Business owner. But growing money only to leave in the treasury is bad business.

Thir😛 You're not gonna take NI? Whaaaat?

DT? The self-professed military guy? The RL Military guy? Mr. "I love to fight" isn't going to promise to invade Northern Ireland?

Nope. No way, no how, not on your e-life. You know why? Because without a stack of MPP's behind us that rivals the 'Who's who of Multi-Bot Countries' that eUK has it is once again a V1 pipe dream.

In the current state of the game invading NI is just... plain... dumb.

Things have changed again. The Two-Clicking Soldier rules. Don't get me wrong. Pound for pound we could beat eUK hands down in a toe-to-toe fight. But it wont be a fair fight. Just look at their top twenty on Maxihelli's and they pale in comparison to our fine eIrish Brutes (haven’t heard that in a while have you?). But with 'allies' like;

eIndonesia: Pop. 8,528
eBrazil: Pop. 9,211
eSerbia: Pop. 18,235
eHungary: Pop. 7,702
eRussia: Pop. 6,502

Add into that eUK and it's Pop. 3,241, that's;

53,419 against 870 (give or take 200 Allied deployers)

That’s 61 to 1 odds (in perspective their MPP’s equal nearly 1/3 of the entire e-world population). Even the most bloodthirsty gambling alcoholic S.O.B (and I have been each though luckily not all at once) would not touch those odds with a ten-foot shillelagh.

Ask me again why we lost NI during the new war module.

In Conclusion

Do the Presidential Goals matter? No. But If you can’t do the math, expect to feel the gaff. Game mechanics forces CP candidates to choose goals to earn pointless statues that have no bearing on anything in any of our e-lives. But in so choosing we show our cards.

Choose wisely eIreland.


-Donovan Thomas
Candidate for Country President