Donovan's CP Run: Key Points

Day 1,045, 08:41 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

I’m not here to reinvent the wheel.

I’ve always been a bit perturbed by those who can’t wait to get into office and reinvent the wheel. They fire the old crew, bring in the new, draw a circle on a piece of paper and call it a plan. They spend the next month trying to turn that circle into a new and improved wheel when we already had a warehouse of them that worked just fine.

I’m not here to reinvent the wheel.

Key points I believe in as a CP candidate [tl:dr version]

- Maintain Positive momentum
- Support and defend our allies
- Assist local business in maximizing the effectiveness of our industry
- Encourage the growth and participation of new players
- Keep it fun for all

Yeah… those are brass tacks… let’s get down to them.

VP and Cabinet

I have asked Anthony Colby to run beside me as VP and he has accepted. Anthony is Co-MoD along side me. He is a dedicated eIrishman and he and I work well together and share a mutual respect that will serve to strengthen the office of President. In regards to cabinet positions, I encourage current  cabinet members with active programs to stay aboard and continue their work while adding fresh assistants to train and mentor. This of course, is up to each individual and if elected I will support you regardless of your decisions. 

Military and Foreign Affairs

A great deal of hard work has been done in the recent past to hasten our status as full members of EDEN. I shall make one of my top priorities to solidify that relationship and bring us under the Allied Umbrella as a full member.

I will increase deployments of willing participants to aid our brethren in BROlliance. We will support our allies and friends as they have supported us. Yes, our economy is not at it’s best, but we have among us some stunning warriors and enthusiastic recruits. My administration will ensure that those who are willing and able to help have the means to do so.

With the re-birth of V1 style fighting we can expect to see a renewal of training wars. Everyone wants more XP. XP equals a certain status as well as chance to earn more treasure maps. I plan to bring affordable and consistent training wars back to the Emerald Isle.


I plan to take the IDF back to a place where the average citizen considers themselves a member of the eIrish Defence Forces, always, whether a member of the ICA or any other Partisan force, we are all eIrish, and all aid in our countries defence. The days of infighting are over. We must all come together and share intelligence and resources for the Defence of eIreland regardless of what badge we each wear. I plan to fully exploit the outstanding API that Kavrocks has developed as well as his orders script to ensure that all loyal eIrish have the information they need at all times.

Economy and Industry

Many make a very big deal of the economy and hey, I don’t blame you, but let’s face it; this game is not rocket science. Wars sell goods, sales of goods brings in tax revenue, tax revenue allows the government to pay for more wars to…  see what I am getting at here?

We do however, need a few new things and I plan to go shopping. We need hospitals. We need more food. And once the admins fix the silly algorithms of their new war module, we will need more guns. I will jump start the food issue by having an active Minister of New Citizens armed with a simple and to the point New Citizens Message that points our e-young to the state food company. We shall build a bank of food to support our troops while giving the new citizens a place to start and taking the initial burden of paying too high wages to too inexperienced players off the backs of the eIrish Business Owner.

Our industrial machine is rusty. I will direct our Ministers of Finance and Industry to contact our indigenous business owners and come up with solutions for some of our over-saturated markets as well as some of our unused and empty companies. By working together we can balance the market and properly utilize the potential locked up in these companies. Where the government can help, it will.

The Dáil

There are those that would say that the Dáil  is a superfluous and outdated group. I say that the Dáil is a goldmine of experience, knowledge and creativity if utilized properly.

If elected I plan to involve the Dáil in the daily process of government. Not just in the minute day-to-day problems or whims, but in the nuts and bolts solutions and plans. I will bring them problems and request their council. We shall work together.

Fresh Thought

I want your ideas, and I want to put your name next to them and to give credit where due. I don’t care if your party has four members or seventy. I don’t care if you are three days old or three hundred. This is your e-country too and you deserve the chance to participate, how much you do is up to you. At one time we were all new and inexperienced. The process of learning is increased when you use your voice. If it turns out your idea has been tried and has failed before do not be discouraged, at least you are applying yourself.

In the few days left before the election I will be taking questions via PM and the comments section that you would like me to specifically expand on. I encourage you to be constructively critical. If you think something is b.s., by all means tell me why!

I want your vote, but more so, I want your help in making eIreland a better place for each of us.

Thank you for your time and for the opportunity to present my views.


-Donovan Thomas
Candidate for Country President