Don't destroy the game, admin! Improve it!

Day 763, 05:54 Published in Germany Germany by Hargur

Lana - the women organizing our training session - the cause for a lot of critisim.
She was integrated in the game, because she was in the admin's opinion the chance for young players to catch up.
However - I am sorry to tell you this - it is not!

There were lots of articles in the press in the last few weeks who explained why. Actually it is pretty easy to understand.
Young players do not have a well paid job. Neither a company to earn gold from. Young players do not have money or gold to pay training sessions from.

The only way to get additional money - of course - is the payment module (probably the first module integrated in the game). But dear admin, let me give you a hint: Young players do not know the game very well yet, they won't be sure wether it is their favourite game, so they won't spend money at this early point of the game.
Every single player knows you want to make money, everyone can understand this as well. However do you know what the most important thing for making money is? It is an interesting, fascinating - a great - game. Don't destroy this game. People who spent a lot of passion and time in the game will get annoyed if you integrate these modules - they will leave!

There is a better way to make money. Focus on integrating other modules which increase the fun in playing in the game. By that there will be a much higher global intrest. And than there will be much more players paying for "unlock features" and a "wellness box". This is the best way to earn your money . Thousands of players will be happy and praising the creator of the game 😉. However you have to do something for this respect. Destroying the game is definetly not the right way

Don't destroy the game, admin! Improve it!

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