Department of Information - Government response to the CookieAU issue

Day 672, 01:51 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Here at the Department of Information, our role is to inform. (obviously) So here we are, informing, as to the government's actions towards the eAustralian citizen CookieAU.

Firstly, a brief overview. CookieAU is a relatively new member to the eAus community. He has been very outspoken on issues such as Western Australia, the NAB gold theft and many other things besides. His intentions are here for the best of all eAus. However, as of recent his actions have come to be seen as troll worthy, flaming and derogatory.

Evidence and reasons:
1) First article implicating Stewstoyc in the NAB robbery
Reason why this is seen as a strike against you: eRepblik rules state accusing any person for a crime without evidence is a bannable offence. This doesn't matter whether it was a ploy or not.

2) PM sent to Stewstoyc over eAustralian Forums
Reason why this is seen as a strike against you: Reducing yourself to insults, swearing and personal attacks is not a very good way to get over your banning on IRC. Stewstoyc's actions are expected after you've personally attacked him in Evidence 1 and continued to push your attack on him over the IRC channel.

3) Faked PM from admin implicating Stewstoyc in the NAB theft
Reason why this is seen as a strike against you: the end doesn't justify the means. Sure you may have been trying to prove members of the cabinet are gullible. That still doesn't mean you're allowed to once again falsely accuse someone of a crime with no evidence. Also, if you had managed to trick everyone, what if Stewstoyc got banned over this? Would have been carried a bit too far. On top of that I'm pretty sure if you search around you'll find that changing eRepublik base code is illegal as well. 😉

On top of these three main things, there was the trolling in IRC which I've got the chat logs for, but sadly chatlogs can be faked if someone wished and thus I can't really use them as evidence.

CookieAU - the reasons why you have been banned from #ausrep on the IRC is because the eAustralian public has had enough of you. Despite what it may seem, srg91 and Cozza wouldn't kick or ban you based on personal dislike. They have the support of cabinet, senate and the Prime Minister himself to exclude you from our community. On top of that, srg91 and Cozza were only given kicking powers on IRC yesterday so that there would be someone online to kick and ban you where necessary. Other than that their power doesn't even serve any purpose.

Written by Minister of Information Dean Kong.