Denmark: worth the fight?

Day 2,074, 13:56 Published in Denmark Denmark by pho3nix

I've got news for some people: Denmark is in bad shape. It's been that way for a long time - in fact, as long as I can remember. Slowly, we've learned to give up some of our in-game liberties in return for security. Some might call that treason. Others might call it surviving.

One thing is for sure though: calling people names won't get us anywhere. If Denmark, as a state of Danish eRep players, is to expand beyond what it is today - each and everyone of us has to step up and play the game that one extra bit that is necessary for us. We have to log in daily. Write. Comment. Vote. Fight.

Perhaps most of all: we have to learn to disagree.

I know the climate for new players can, at times, be rough. It's hard to accept the fact that Denmark seems to be under German occupation. I guess IRL-historics don't make it any easier to take on either. But you know what? I know some pretty awesome German people. Their beer is probably the best in the world - and I think we have more in common than things that sepparates us. They've also been a terrific ally, and have conducted their business - with the occasional hiccup - in a typical German fashion:

Cool. Calm. Collected.

So what does Denmark have? About 50-70 active players, and eight political parties. Seven of which refuse to show actual political colors. We have three military units - two of which were created under very suspicious circumstances, and are inhabited by people not known to the Danish public. That is; they never - or rarely - launch articles. They don't write at - or in the IRC-channel.

Now, and I'm asking this as a member of the sitting government: Are we wrong to question the intentions of these individuals?

Is it wrong of us to raise our heads and demand explanations, when people suddenly flood to a newly created party - and overnight becomes a major political powerhouse, capable of reaching the treasury of the country some of us have been guarding for years?

Who watches the watchmen, you might ask. And by all means. I'm very close to suggest that we don't let Denmark resurrect. Because maybe it will be better that way. In that case, we at least can see who are the real "patriots" of Denmark. Who will watch over a sleeping Denmark, with no reward in it for the individuals? I can name a few - and most of them are the people serving you as your government right now.

Or we can fight.

To actually have a country named "Denmark" on the map - in which Danish players can actually be born, be understood in their native language, and have the support of an active community.

But to do that, we need coordination. That, unfortunately, means that some of our liberties are suspended - for the sake of Denmark. The world around us is massive, aggressive and remember: this is the internet. People do weird things in these parts.

Once again, I urge any and all opposition to let themselves be known. THAT MEANS YOU TOO, KASPER HAURUM! I CHALLENGE YOU TO OPPOSE ME, IN THE MEDIA, IN POLITICS! CHALLENGE ME! Let your ambition be known, and let us point the way for you to get your time in the spotlight. Most of us oldfags are sick of it anyway - you can have it.

Please. Fight. But let's fight for Denmark, together. Not divided.