Dear future POTUS

Day 2,964, 14:59 Published in USA USA by Josh Whitehead

Dear future Potus,
Whoever you may be. I wish you the best of luck and that you will work with Congress and the people of this nation.

I hope that you will listen and hear the anger that has arose in the last few months and bring as one, as united, as we once were years ago.

I hope you can prosper and learn new ideas and goals that will bind us closer to our allies.

I hope you have good health and willingness to keep us informed often, or at least your cabinet does.

I hope for strength of our Military Units and we continue fight as one nation. And that our allies return the favor.

I hope you will give a fair justice to all.

I hope you will stand up for not only for your own nation, but their rights to fight; fairly and freely as they please.

I hope you do what's morally right and not politically correct. I hope you encourage Congress (which im blacklisted from) to do what's right.

I hope you bring great honor to us all and make us proud so we may talk of great things about you in the future.

I hope you bring good fortune.

I hope you bring a prosperity of all peace.
I hope you show us a new beginning for all.

I hope you give us a fresh start.
I hope you bring “hope” to all.

I hope that whoever you may be, that you make us proud and glad to be all Americans. I hope that you will bring prosperity to all.

Well, i hope so.
-Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard
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