Day 2,558, 02:34 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina by Anominan

Danas je taj dan! Dan koji slave sve razumne i savjesne glave, svih naroda i entiteta Bosne i Hercegovine. Na današnji dan prije 19 godina, nakon godina stradanja nedužnih i nevinih ljudi, Sunce je napokon zasjalo na nebu iznad Balkana i donijelo svima razumnima dugo željeni MIR!

Taj mir dogovoren je i potpisan u do tada nama malo poznatom, a od tada za sve nas najljepšem i najboljem američkom gradu Dejtonu.

^Dayton, najljepši američki grad^

Pored mira u Dejtonu smo dobili i Ustav koji je garant postojanja Bosne i Hercegovine kakvu danas znamo i volimo, kao i garant zaštite ljudskih prava svih naroda sa područja BiH.

^Wright-Patterson, najljepše mjesto na svijetu poslije Ravne Romanije^

Prema tome, slavimo Dejtonski sporazum i cijenimo, poštujmo i volimo mir koji nam je on donio, jer TO je najbolja stvar koja se desila Bosni i Hercegovini u posljednjih 20 godina! Između ostalog, zahvaljujući Dejtonu danas na EREPUBLIK-u imamo eBiH kakvu poznajemo.

Napomena moderatorima: Ovaj članak nije vulgarities, pornography, insults, flaming, spam, a niti external advertising. Ovaj članak je glorifikacija ljudskih prava na MIR, koja su u mnogim dijelovima svijeta zanemarena i podcijenjena!

Hvala Dejtonu!

♫♪♫Mir no alternativ♪♫♪

Today is that day! Dan which is celebrated by all reasonable and conscious heads, all people and entities of Bosnia and Hercegovina. On this day 19 years ago, after years of suffering of innocent people, the Sun has finally shone over the Balkan sky and brought every reasonable one long awaited PEACE!

That peace is agreed and signed in a till then to us a little known, but since for all of us the most beautiful and the best american city of Dayton.

^Dayton, the most beautiful american city^

In addition to peace in Dayton we got a constitution which is warranty of the existence of Bosnia and Hercegovina as we all know and love today, as well as a warranty for protection of human rights of all people from the area of BiH.

^Wright-Patterson, the most beautiful place in the world after Ravna Romanija^

Thus, let’s celebrate the Dayton agreement and appreciate, respect and love the peace which it brought us, because THAT is the best thing that happened to Bosnia and Hercegovina in the last 20 years! Among other, thanks to Dayton today on EREPUBLIK we have eBiH as we know it.

Note to moderators: This article isn’t vulgarities, pornography, insults, flaming, spam, nor external advertising. This article is a glorification of the human rights on PEACE, which are in many parts of the world neglected and underestimated.

Thanks Dayton!
♫♪♫Mir no alternative♪♫♪