Cp Update Day 1485-86

Day 1,485, 22:39 Published in South Africa Brazil by Crumoet

Good Day All,

My apologies for the delay since my last article things have been a bit hectic.

So the stale mate has been ongoing for the last few days and I have been plotting and scheming to see how we can change that. If I get congress approval for the plan I have proposed I will update everyone as soon as I get it.

In the meantime it is important to do your missions! Fight freely over the next days (Assegai and eSaaf follow orders but we will try as much as possible to set them to accommodate the mission) and try get as many of them done as is possible. Each bit of experience rank or strength you get will help keep Sa strong!

As always I believe in an open door policy so if you need anything give me a shout either on IRC or pop me a PM.

Kind Regards,

eSa Crumoet