Continued Lack of leadership

Day 846, 16:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by castaneda
First published in the private dail days after the RW's in NI

If you think this was bad , Things have gotten a lot worse under our current president

I would appreciate it some other CO's wer allowed access to this thread , namely Einberliner and Nith (not sure if nith's membership of the circus maximus allows him access to the private dail) And seeing as they have both been TD's more than once and are both trustworthy citizens i myself cant see a problem with this .

Well its been nearly a week , I was planning on writing this the day after the RW's for NI ended but i havnt had the chance .
How do you guys feel the RW's went ?

I for one was appalled, nay disgusted, and still am.But i didnt show it till now .Especially since its been days and theres still no discussion goin on re. our failings in the RW's.
Hell some are still trying to legislate atm , FFS people do you realise you will NOT have a country to govern if we cant defend ourselves ?

Why was i appalled ?

Lack of leadership
Lack of resources
Lack of communication

And a litany of other reasons im sure my fellow CO's can list .

LEADERSHIP ---- By this im not singling out our President or Cabinet Ministers or TD's . Collectively All should be ashamed of the events of the 3 days and their lack of leadership . Where Wer our leaders ? Did half of you all just logon , see there was a war goin on and promptly logoff , afraid you may have to actually do something ?
There wer a few people TD's , ministers ,and citizens who done an outstanding job rallying troops , supplying troops and issuing instruction .
BUT .... This was done on an individual basis . There was little in the way of official leadership .

Why was there not an article every day, twice a day infact, from EVERY dept involved in the war effort ?

Defense - people need instruction throughout the day when we are involved in a war
Health - people need gifting every day of a conflict
Industry - Our state weapons companies should run as efficiently as possible during a conflict and senior members of IDF should be fired from high Q jobs at the beginning of a conflict to enable maximum fighting potential for minimum outlay
Community and New Citizens - should be bombarding our media with all relevant info for the day , with links to all other depts , keeping morale up and encouraging people to have fun maybe by flooding our enemies with good oul irish propaganda
Foreign Affairs - should be bombarding the international media lookin for volunteers to our cause , and engaging with countries friendly to us and countries in a similar situation to us urging them for support

RESOURSES ---- Where wer our weapons , gifts , food ?
As a CO i was instructed to issue weapons on the first and last day of battles, And the org i was using ran short of weapons before i could finish on the last day .I know there was a state org/company with a full supply of weapons but i had to judge for myself NOT to go into this org and dish out weapons thinking that there may be a chance we may have needed them if someone decided to take advantage of our diminshed supplies and decided to attack us .
As a member of Na Fianna i recieved a paltry supply of weapons ,No gifts ,No high Q food despite the fact i work in the states q5 weapons company.
Where wer the weapons for all the friends of Ireland who came to fight for our cause ?
I was embarrased , i released articles in many different countries and forums asking for help for Ireland , It worked i got a lot of responses , but then people started pm'ing me about where to go for weapons , gifts , etc . I even started a thread in the public dail thinking it would maybe spur some of our government depts into action ,To no avail .
Again this was left to individuals namely DT and more embarrasingly Seal Team 6 to offer gifts to those who needed them . FFS people ST6 were asked to help us and had to start gifting citizens themselves (another point
i think they ST6 should be offered a monetary reward for their actions in this area )

We Failed , miserably .

Communication ---- please read my statement 2 paragraphs above re. depts of government .
There was a crippling lack of communication amongst all our branches of govt and the Idf included .

As i said im not singling out individuals , some have been unwell , some unavailable , some had basically resigned positions in the hours leading up to the conflict(not related) . These are not the people to blame .
You/We as supposed leaders of this country wer ALL to blame .


Well for starters we can better supply our IDF , by having a q1 weapons company full of guns for EACH rangers and na fianna division , complimenting our 2r3 companies we already have up n running which can supply regular troops, Running efficiently, not with 20 workers each . When we have reached a certain quota (id say 2000 in each company ) shut it down and move to the next company .
Same for a couple of gift companies.

Next i suggest a room in the CO's section of the forum where Orders, or at least best guess Orders can be issued from senior officers (in the event of no direction from MoD/CoS ),wer all CO's can see what they should be doing , and can act from this . A senior Idf CO should be able to change the battle scripts for all divisions from here .

There should be a sticky thread somewhere inforum with information for all depts on what to do in the event of a conflict !!!! I think Nith called it a First response plan , This should be done immediately
Each dept , IDF included should have a thread listing all orgs available to use . An invaluable way of keeping track of what we have .

I will finish now ,ive been seething for days on this issue and im sure ive forgotten a lot o points i wanted to bring up , i hope others will bring them up , and offer solutions .
Your input into all of the above is welcome, but i wont allow this thread to turn into a witchhunt against individuals (yes i will report as spam or abuse to have replies deleted ) I want solutions .

Ps. I dont want to hear how project lambda will sort some of these problems out , Because it WONT , We can't sufficiently/effectively supply our top 60 troops in ireland how the f**k are we going to supply 500 citizens. I have supplied 20 idf members over the last few months and have pm'd them multiple times , Its not a hard job , but it does take a lot of time,. To do it and more(gifts, food, etc)for 500 or even 300 citizens daily would be nigh on impossible.

5min Later Edit
I agreed with the decision not to issue Q5 weapons in the latter stages of the 2nd RW (they should be kept mostly for defense till we have a decent supply) , We never had much hope of retaining NI in the longterm with our current system, But had all Idf members and volunteers for Ireland been issued with at least Q1 weapons every day from day1 , i would think we could have held out for a few days thus maybe prompting the UK to find a different stategy giving us even more time .