Competition - 31670cc for no reason! #4

Day 4,942, 12:19 Published in Lithuania Lithuania by LufaniS

Hello and welcome to competition #4!

First of all I want to say Huge THANK YOU to our major supporters:
Greenday_1989, Klounas and Lam4na.

Also a big THANKS goes to these lads for their support:

MDgn, Vytautas The Great, LTPower, AG . trimafadzi, jonasgudd, HeroZx, our gorgeous Boruzele, Lietuvos didysis kunigaikstis, havajai, riyo86, TheUnit pararam, TomasDM, Spinoza., AG.DF, EuroBasket2011, wittyprakash, Camat Menteng, resetas1 and Untanelis.

Because all of them, #4 competition winning prize is - 31670cc!

So now let's take a look who won "Competition - 31410cc for no reason! #3"!

Total comments: 33
Total participants: 32
Lucky number is 17!

Competition "For no reason #3" WINNER is TheUnit Duls!


Competition - 31670cc for no reason! #4 Starts now!

On day 4945 I'll give random player 31670cc using browser extension tool that I've created for this competition.

- This article is totally for no reason.
- I just want to give one random player 31670cc.
- Only one rule to comment anything bellow.

If you can - Endorse to increase our next competition grand prize!
