Company changes and the impact on owners!

Day 1,213, 03:11 Published in South Africa Brazil by Crumoet

Worker Manager changes
So late yesterday admin announced they were going to make it worth investing in your companies again and make it worth upgrading them.

Get even more value from your company!
Dear citizens,

Starting tomorrow (Day 1213), when eating, you will instantly consume from your storage the necessary amount of food for recovering your health to a level as close as possible to 100.

In our times, efficiency is key. And eating efficient goes very well hand in hand with eating high quality food.

Therefore, starting tomorrow, investing in a company will worth more!

How come? For every work, more products will be created in upgraded companies!
And I'm talking about upgraded companies of any industry, not just food!

The raw material consumption will be proportional, so it is important to make sure there are enough resources for the upgraded company to run at full capacity.

Yours truly,

eRepublik Governor
Last edited by Plato; Yesterday at 10:57.

I logged in this morning expecting to produce less Q1 as this would have been my solution to the flooding of the market. So I worked and produced my normal 110 Q1 food. Then to my surprise when I worked my Q3 food company I produced 110 Units as well.

When I worked for Stan this morning I did not notice an increase my production levels so I am not sure this applies across the board though the forum would suggest that it applies to both managers and normal employees.!

This changes the formula considerably! Firstly as a manager you are going to need 2 raw material companies per quality of your company to keep run independently from the market. So a Q1 company needs 2 Raw material companies a Q2 needs 4 Raw material companies all the way up to 10 Raw material companies for a Q5 company. Ok admin messed with things again it will only be one raw material company per level of company you have. So if you have gold it may very well be worth upgrading your company. Just make sure you have enough Raw material production to keep up with Production. I am building more land and building grain companies as we speak.

The only negative I can see at first glance is that I don’t have nearly enough raw companies and also that it is going to be harder for someone to build up gold slowly and upgrade. Higher quality goods are going to get cheaper and the lower end may end up being next to useless

If government trusted anyone enough with the money we could really totally stock eSAAF with weapons for next to no cost after the initial outlay! Someone at my level could produce 11 Q5 weapons per day and 110 Q5 foods. They would consume 22 of the food in the process but that still leaves one hell of a lot of Weapons lying around. Assuming we stockpile we could have 330 Q5 weapons per month to use as needed. I don’t think we can ignore that kind of potential. More importantly don’t forget that our enemies will realise this sooner rather than later and everyone will take advantage. How nice would it be to be able to let some of our fighters have higher quality weapons for a change.
The cost of this would be close to 550 golds though per Q5 company running free from the market…
I don’t think we have the money for this but I can dream right? For a start we could work on the Q3 company we already have and transfer it to the highest worker in eSaaf which would be Squall or Zamrg… I know finances could get messy and things wouldn’t be run smoothly before anyone mentions it!
Now I just have to resist buying more gold….