CLM Volume 11: Reason #542 Why I Hate Democracy

Day 736, 09:18 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

Welcome to the Eleventh issue of Canadian Liberty Magazine. It's been quite some time since the last edition of this newspaper, but since it is congressional election day my ire is quite high and I cannot hold back. There are many reasons to despise the democratic method of choosing "leaders". In this short but sweet article, I will show you one that especially resonates with me.

To begin, please take a minute to read this article, and the corresponding comments. In it, you will find members of India warning their fellow countrymen of a potential Political Take Over (PTO). Feast your eyes upon the third comment, by Maverick10 Dodge Knight:

All eIndians
Please hold your vote as long as you can, PM us India United
for instructions where to vote, and tickets.
VITAL: Tell us till what time you can be online. We’ll tell you
to vote accordingly.

Wow. Just Wow.
We'll tell you to vote accordingly?

You see folks, this is your precious democracy. We're concerned with the "will of the majority" and the "voice of the people", so long as their will is a certain way and their voice says the appropriate thing. Oh, and PM me for moving tickets!!!11!@321 Haxor BBQ Leet!

Do you see now? Do you understand? Democracy is a silly little game played by tyrants and thugs. And while in eRepublik no one gets physically hurt or killed by their government, the participants are only out to further their agenda, at your expense. Yet so many continue to exalt the precious golden calf of democracy.

And lest you think strategic voting and manipulation does not happen on a grand scale in Canada (and is not endorsed by most in government), think again. Of course our leaders promote the practice, and participate in it themselves (both in RL and in eRep!), they simply do it more subtly than your typical PTO group from Iran or UK!

In short, please call a spade a spade. Move to the location your candidate is running in, vote according to party lines, collect the experience point. And when you're out there voting today, at least recognize the silliness of it all and do not promote democracy as some bastion of freedom and choice.

It certainly is not.