Citzens thought about the economy, Details inside!

Day 1,218, 19:10 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

Hello Canada! I am here with an article. It will show you some of the thoughts about the economy. Here are some of the results:

cyber ninja to Jacobi | yesterday
Hello, I am the publisher of the News Ninjas. I would like to ask you a few questions about the economy. How do you feel about the economy?
Jacobi to cyber ninja | yesterday
I feel that the economy is experiencing a bust trend, which it has almost a dozen tiems in the 2 years that I've played the game. One insight that I've gained in the last two years is that our economy is shaky enough that any silly rules change by the admins has an immediately noticeable effect.
cyber ninja to Jacobi | 13 hours ago
Yes, I agree.

cyber ninja to Lavis Knight | yesterday
Hi! I am the publisher of the News Ninjas and I am wondering if you would like to answer some questions about the economy. How do you feel about the economy?
Lavis Knight to cyber ninja | yesterday
I am no economist, but when someone with half a million grain sets the price at 0.04, then the price of grain is effectively 0.04
cyber ninja to Lavis Knight | yesterday
I agree. Do you think the economy might get better as time goes on, or do you think that this might end in failure?
Lavis Knight to cyber ninja | yesterday
😁;; That's probably up to Bear Stearns
cyber ninja to Lavis Knight | yesterday
You've got a good point. I have one more question to ask: How do you think citizens will do more/less due to the recent change.
Lavis Knight to cyber ninja | yesterday
The ones that quit will do less and the ones that stay will do more 😃? cyber ninja to Lavis Knight | yesterday

cyber ninja to Code-Y | yesterday
Hi! I am the publisher from News Ninjas. I would like to ask you a few questions about the economy for my next article. How do you feel about the economy right now?
Code-Y to cyber ninja | yesterday
Meh. The economy right now is in a great state. Everyone can afford to feed themselves and even pack in a few extra fights a day. The economy is most likely the best it's ever been in eRepublik history 🙂. Glad I can help btw ;P.
cyber ninja to Code-Y | yesterday
Another question: do you think that the economy will get worse, or better? Code-Y to cyber ninja | yesterday
I myself hope the economy will get better. I've proposed a few things in closed door congress so hopefully our VAT will get lowered and we could possibily get a grain region, that way employers lose less money and Canadians get cheaper products. Although, with the admins involved in the game, you never know. Personally at this right, nothing good lasts forever, but I think this will last a while 🙂.
cyber ninja to Code-Y | yesterday
Yes, very interesting, one final question: What do you feel citizens should do more/less because of this change?
Code-Y to cyber ninja | yesterday
Do more fighting
Be more active
Benefit more society

And sell less Iron 😉.

lol ;P, but in all seriousness, we've been given opportunity and if we don't use it, who will?
cyber ninja to Code-Y | yesterday
Very interesting answer!

Those are just a few remarks about the economy. Now I would like you to comment your answers to those questions. Here they are again:

1. How do you feel about the economy?
2. Do you think the economy will get worse, or better?
3. What do you feel citizens should do more/less because of this change?

Please comment your answers.

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