Citizens, Dioists, Congressmen - Lend me your ears!

Day 763, 04:33 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Policy

I have been chosen ro run for the congressional seat in Baluchistan. A Pakistani region may I add to our Iranian friends.

Now I'm sure you've all seen a couple of "Vote for me and you'll grt blah blah blah" articles in your time. Well sorry this is another one! Of sorts...

Now why am I running for congress? Well, I'm not going to lie. Being an ePakistani congressman was always a dream for me. But I didn't plan to run this time around. I planned to run in the Febuary or March elections instead. It would give me enough time to get my hosuing company in Russia up and going. And it would give me a chance to better my military rank. But I was asked to run this term by my Party so I at once bought supplies with my savings hastened to the journey ahead.

The journey to ePakistan was a long and dangerous one. Ofcourse I didn't take a teradactal becuase there were only Phoenixes in eRussia and they were imperialistic. I did not want to become possesed by this evil. So I took the long and dangerous journey. Climbing up hazardous mountains and walking through jungles filled with The Unspoken One's minions. Then just as I reached the border of ePakistan I was confronted by a PIG army. I looked around, there was no one to help me. I cried in fear. I thought that would be the end of me, but no our God-Emperor had other plans.

I searched the nearby mountains for shelter for the night. finally after hours of hysterical beahavior I found a cave. It was damp and cold. I shivered so hard that a landslide happened on the mountain opposite me. I sat there. My hands hugging my arms for warmth, I prayed to our almighty God Emperor to save me. To allow me another day to live my life. Finally I fell asleep. I had a dream. Not an ordinary dream. I saw Dio. He told me that a 1000's of PIGS were no match for the power of Broship. "Blow on the sand" Dio said.

The next morning I woke up. With no recolection of the dream. Then to my astonishment I saw some sand. Immediatly I picked it up with my bear hands and it all came back to me. "Blow on the sand". So I blowed with all my might and the sand formed a humanoid. A Dio warrior. A bro. I smiled. Then we picked up our Swords and went to a meeting with destiny.

We charged at the PIG army we clashed swords. We saved each others lives countless times. After each PIG was no more, we walked and trekked until I reached the outskirts of what used to be a Pakistani land. NWFP, there were no occupiers in sight. Then a thought struck me. The PIG army were the invaders. They were no more. NWFP was now back were it belonged. Oh happy day! We drank Dioeer and had sandburgers to celebrate then continued. I was just on the edge of Baluchistan, standing, gazing at the magnifiscient sight before my eyes. Then the wind blew. And my bro was no more. I did not shed a manly tear even though I wanted to. I knew it would come.

I reached Baluchistan, signed up at the election commision office, went to the careers office, got a job and then went and thanked Dio for his help. Finally I kicked back and relaxed.

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