Childish Behavior

Day 4,418, 04:09 Published in Albania Albania by Sheppherd

Morning Everyone,

First, before i begin i would like to wish all those who celebrate Christmas, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and wish all the best to you and your families....

Now to begin, I wasn't going to write this article and I know this article will offend some people (especially in ALbania) but I needed to write it anyway because of the things I have noticed...

Woke up today and someone had switched strength with me (250k+ Strength) So I go looking to see if Albania or USA needed help in any of their Battles,I found that in the battle of Albania Vs Uruguay (YES i know its a TW) user donlaerto had done around 61 million damage when another player from the other side pushed the wall with 163 million in damage...

So, i get in and inflict about 426 million damage with 409 kills(I had 6320 Energy available)...

Then this idiot Boomerang comes along like 1 minute after me and starts firing some shots and makes about 260 mill in damages, i sent him a message Telling him that he can take my BH if he wished to (which he does) and that I only did the damage to push back the wall... Anyway to make a long story short, she starts to accuse me of trying to steal the BH from him blah blah blah and so on (even though i started inflicting dmg before him)....

Anyway the reason I told this story is this:

In Albania, we are so disorganized and so divided that when someone does all that damage, they think that you are trying to get a BH or trying to take their BH when in reality i could have easily done much less damage somewhere else gotten it.. Just so you guys know, when it comes to Albania or the USA, the Damage i inflict has nothing to do with me trying to get a BH. I have noticed that almost every time i sign into this game i see that there are at least 50+ people online in Albania (many in div 4) and in battle I only see 3-5 players (many times the same players such as Colin, Altinkss, etc) fight for Albania while the rest are either fighting for other countries for BH or not fight at all. So, you can whine and cry all you want about how Serbia or FYROM are attacking us in groups when in reality they are more united than we can ever be!!


I came here to help ALB. but if you people don't want me, i'll leave, there are plenty of other places i can go to (I'd even go to North Korea)... I have tried to help out other players (USA & ALB alike) with weapons and cc just like I myself have been helped before, I am not here to get stressed out because of some losers in here who wanna act like children.. I don't mean to offend anybody, i am just stating what I have seen happening in this game especially in ALB.

Thanks for reading and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!