Ceann Comhairle Report [Week II]

Day 842, 01:20 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
Ceann Comhairle Report

Update to Method of the Congress Vote Act:

There has been an amendment to the Method of the Congress Vote Act. This amendment (authored by myself) passed the Dáil this past week streamlining our ability to pass laws in a timely manner. The full text of the amendment can be found here:


The key points of the amendment are as such;

1. Discussion time was shortened to a minimum of 24hrs. Forum voting was shortened to 24hrs and in-game voting now takes the place of forum voting where applicable. This allows congress to pass measures in a minimum of 48hrs. TD’s who desire more discussion on a vote to build consensus or argue their case need only extend the discussion time of their measure before calling for a vote. All votes take place over 24hrs (if a vote is to be completed in game then an in forum vote is “not required”.

2. The manner of voting requirements were changed to either Ta or Yes for affirmative and Nil OR No for negative as opposed to the old requirement of Tá/Yes or Níl/No thus removing the common mistake of voting only in English or Irish. Further, the requirement to remind TD’s of manner of voting was removed. Abstentions are still rendered in the same self explanatory manner.

All TD’s are now required to swear an oath to congress each week as part of their sign in process as outlined in the following vote: authored by Dubhthaigh


Congressional Oath

I solemnly swear that I shall defend the constitution of the Republic of Ireland against all foes, domestic and foreign; that I shall bear sole and true allegiance to the same; 'that I shall abide by the Congressional Code of Conduct;' that I take this obligation freely, without any reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.

TD’s who swear the aforementioned oath are further bound by the following;

Congressional Code of Conduct

i) I shall not reveal information from the Private Dáil to those who are not permitted to receive it.
ii) I shall act at all times in the interest of my constituents and the eIrish people.
iii) I shall not seek to attain fiscal or any undue gain from my political position.
iv) I shall not promise political favours in return for personal gain.
v) I shall not act in such a way that disgraces my office.
vi) I shall not knowingly agree to a proposal that directly damages the eIrish state or constitution.

I urge all citizens to visit the Public Dáil to review other recently passed legislation. We, your elected officials require your input to carry out your wishes. Your involvement is key to the process.

Please follow the link below to access the Public Dáil



Dáil Éireann Sign-In / Oath Report

The following 32 of 34 Teachta Dála have signed in and sworn The Oath this week.

-Irish Princess



-Cpl Useless



-Michael Hook

-Michael Collins

-The Dagda



-Brian Boru

-shadow spawn

-James Ferrin



-Daniel Kaffe

-Sargant Stefanos

-Sean Wallace


-Glorious Connolly

-Donovan Thomas

-Anaille Kolshire

-JohnSmith 2K9

-Dan Murchadh


-Breanainn O'Raghallaigh





- General Constantine


binksy and l1l1Rayl1l1 have not yet signed in as of this posting. Both were reminded yesterday via PM. Any votes by them shall be considered null and void until such time as they sign in by swearing their oath. [this article will be updated in the event of subsequent sign in / oath]



Donovan Thomas

Ceann Comhairle

Teachta Dála for Dublin

Minister of Defence
