CAF Trench Fight

Day 1,122, 18:44 Published in Canada Canada by CoIoneI Sanders

During the brave fight of conquering the P.E.I from the French the CAF took on the French in a trench fight!

This Is a Series of Trench Fight!

nucksalltheway grabs a gun

Cozza drags coda to the ground and uses her as a shield

powerown reaches or his sniper rifle

Chucky_Norris throw a nade in the other trench

powerown opens fire

nucksalltheway kills ten men in 1 shot

Cozza prepares to go over the trench

sanchez- says to stop this non sense cause he's high command

powerown thinks that is impossible

Cozza looks at chucky

powerown attaches a bayonet

Cozza runs over the trench

Cozza gets shot

powerown runs over the trench

nucksalltheway makes a terrorist joke

sanchez- gets stabbed by powerown

MaryChan sits Cooley in the back, analyzing the current battlegrounds...

powerown is almost roasted by enemy flame thrower

sanchez- shoots nucksallthewathy for making fun of my culture

powerown runs back to his trench in fear of being captured

nucksalltheway laughs since his duck tape jacket stopped the bullets3

powerown drags Steam7 into the trench

nucksalltheway pulls the pin

Chucky_Norris use a Military meal as a deadly projectile

nucksalltheway f*** o f*** i need a target

sanchez- grabs his zombies and gives them guns

Cozza still is dead on the battlefield. flies crawling over his face

sanchez- calls for a medic

powerown drags cozza's body back into the trench

sanchez- gets the mop

powerown shoots Sanchez-

nucksalltheway yells rap*

sanchez- blows the rap* whistle

powerown decides to wake up from this dream

sanchez- tells powerown it isn't a dream and he's on drugs

Chucky_Norris slap powerown

powerown stumbles to his feet

nucksalltheway orders cozza to start smoking pwrs salvia

Chucky_Norris give a reverse roundhouse kick to cozza

powerown is still waiting for orders

nucksalltheway pwr slap yourself

powerown falls to the ground as an artillery shell hits right near the HQ

Cozza runs to check for Survivors!!!

Cozza forgets about Mary and goes back to the front

nucksalltheway while sitting aprx. 3 feet under the enemy trenches nucks starts planning..

Cozza does the Australian way in war........................and calls for the Americans to fight

powerown falls over again as an artillery shell hits directly the HQ

nucksalltheway says over the talkies he's got this

powerown pulls out a piece of shrapnel from his legs

Chucky_Norris call an air strike on the artillery position

nucksalltheway says to hold, i got this.

nucksalltheway starts his plan
To Be Continued....

Stayed tuned for another CAF trench fight....