Buy eIrish! Guaranteed eIrish!

Day 668, 21:51 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

I would like to remove my Minister of Information hat for a few minutes and speak to you about an issue that has increasingly irked me lately. As a business owner I have noticed that there is a very healthy competition in pricing that greatly helps the consumer while still making sales lucrative enough for business owners to thrive. I’m not as concerned with that as I am with what is driving the competition and the negative end result.

Foreign Trade
There are many positive aspects to foreign trade, it stimulates foreign economies, puts tax revenue from those sales into our treasury and encourages competition bringing lower prices to the consumer. Foreign trade is smart. Foreign trade is good.

But foreign trade must go both ways for it to benefit each “customer”.

There are few cons to balanced foreign trade. But there is one very big negative to unbalanced foreign trade; namely gold that leaves eIrish pockets never to return again. We are experiencing the worst economic disaster in most of our eLives in the theft of the treasury. I have faith in our government that they are doing everything humanly possible to recover the funds and get us back on the right track (I wish I had the same faith in the Admins but our eGod is a fickle and aloof egod).

Now you may bump into a Beta or two who would tell you;

“In my day treasuries was stole’d left and right! Why when I was a noob one gold cost over eleventy gajillion IEP! We couldn’t afford no fancy Q1 weapons! Mostly we fought naked with our bare hands over dial-up! And we liked it!”

The elderly do tell their stories don’t they? Be nice to them. Let them ramble, wipe the spittle from their mouths, pat their precious little heads and give them a hard candy or two.

The fact remains that we are in dire straights until this is sorted. Some plans are on hold, some may never see their way out of our current administration.

But there is something I can do.
There is something you can do.
There is something we can all do.

I’m not talking about donating to the Banc, though I will be doing so myself after I publish this. Texas_ironman93 had a self-admittedly selfish but overall honorable idea for all of us to donate our share, not a bad idea that. Every bit helps. But not everyone has an IEP or ten to spare.

I’m told what I am proposing has been tried before. There seems to be evidence of it in certain company’s names. I’m sure you saw the graphic at the top of the page. I’m sure most of you RL Irish know exactly what I am talking about and are either clamoring to vote or have already skipped to the bottom to say it won’t, cant, never will work.

Guaranteed eIrish
Buy Irish. Simple as that. Keep the money here if you can. Many of us who have leveled up, bought businesses and invested some gold here and there will not feel the pinch if the products we seek are an IEP more on occasion, but we will have the peace of mind knowing that the gold stays at our end of the rainbow and is not melted down to make PEACE tanks or EDEN missiles. I would ask every Irish business (meaning from an org based in eIreland) to either display as your avatar the following graphic and or add to the front of your businesses name the phrase “G-IRISH”.

What can you do?
I’d ask the consumer to do a little research before buying. Where is that org located? Who is the main recipient of donations from that org? Just who are you paying? It may be an eIrish businessperson with interests over seas. Or it may be a PEACE GC Field Marshall using your gold to burn Florida to the swamps.

Some will scoff that this is bad for foreign trade. Right now I have no concern for foreign trade. I care about eIreland. And we need to take care of the eIrish first.

Now get out there and Buy Irish!

[If you are a native business owner interested in banding together to fix prices in conjunction with this campaign to show solidarity please feel free to contact me at my profile or via my org The Gean-Sidhe Group.]