Brolliance: Island Style!

Day 868, 22:59 Published in Japan Japan by Donovan Thomas

Konnichiwa Japan!

Shitsurei shimasu!

-Obligatory Beer Lineup-

Pardon my lousy Google copied Japanese, it is in good faith though. I would not deign to soil your sight with badly copied Kanji (and I would certainly not want to soil your language as Reiji Mitsurugi once accused me of, but our relationship was different then!)

I come before you today not as an opponent, but as a brother. A brother in...


From the people of my island;

To the people of yours;

Hail Japan!

Hail Ireland!

Hail USA!

Hail Canada!

Hail Australia!

I look forward to standing shoulder to shoulder with you on the battlefield!

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Let's show our brothers a little Rising Sun and Tri-Color eh? Show 'em how we do it Island Style![img][/img]

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