Boru for the North West

Day 583, 10:36 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru
My Dail Manifesto:

My Political Recor😛
- Co-Author of the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland.
- Author of the Terrorism Act, the Emergency Powers Act, and the Labour Court Act.
- Long-time Socialist and anti-Imperialist.

The Economy:
- Taxes: VAT cuts on weapons, but retention of other taxes unless circumstances change.
- Companies: I support a mixed economy, with both private and state companies.
- State Jobs: I support the expansion of state companies, especially into large foreign markets.
- Wages: I strongly oppose all wage decreases.
- Raw vs Manufacturing: I support the continuation of the current manufacturing-based economic plan, as we have very limited resources that aren't worth extracting.

Foreign Affairs:
- I strongly support a neutral, united, independent Ireland.
- While supporting our neutrality, I believe we must defend those on our borders who are friendly to us with MPPs. Do not do so would open us to attack from possibly hostile countries of a more imperialistic character.
- I strongly oppose Ireland's membership of military alliances of the PEACE-ATLANTIS type, and even more strongly oppose Fortis, that would see Ireland with a diminished say and her military sovereignty stripped from her.
- I believe that amiable relations with as many countries as possible is essential to our military and economic security. The recent war, while a massive farce by the IUP President, has vindicated this position of neutrality, as other countries were mobilising heavily to come to our aid.

- I support the expansion of the Irish hospital system, and the improvement of existing hospitals.
- I support the Irish wellness schemes currently set up.
- I also support the Housing Scheme, but only provided that houses only go to truly active citizens.

- I believe that the current structure of the army is enough for our defence needs.
- I support the training wars with the United States.
- I strongly support Irish troops training abroad with state support.

Dail Reform:
- I believe that the President's power is too extensive, especially with regard to the Cabinet.
- To change this, myself and others (namely darragh and Collins) have discussed the following system:

An Taoiseach: Leader of the largest party or coalition in the Dail holding 50%+1 of the seats
This person would be in charge of all domestic affairs, would appoint the Cabinet from standing TDs, and would be accountable to the Dail.
They could not fail to pass a law, or else they would have to be replaced.

The President: The President as elected by the people via election.
This person would be in charge of the direction of Irish foreign affairs and diplomacy, but would also be accountable to the Dail. They also retain other current powers such as appointing the Supreme Court, command of the IDF, etc.

This system would allow the people to choose how the country is run internally and externally on a separate basis. Having authored a large proportion of the Constitution, I believe that I am in a good position to be at the forefront of the reform process, in conjunction with a cross-party committee.