Boost the Economy Days

Day 2,579, 07:27 Published in Albania Albania by ForeverALB

As suggested by many of you, overproduction is an issue in the New World. We’ll try to tackle this problem and to get rid of some stacked inventory by introducing Boost the Economy Days!

Between today and the end of Day 2,582, all food and weapon consumption will be doubled.

For example, 10 Q1 food will give you 10 Energy instead of the normal 20. Also, a defeated enemy with 3 hits will decrease the durability of your weapon with 6, instead of the normal value of 3.

Please notice that:
- Bombs, Rockets and Bazookas ARE NOT affected by this change
- Energy Bars ARE NOT affected by this change

Siq eshte sugjeruar nga shume lojtare prodhimi i tepert eshte nje problen ne boten e re .Ne do te provojme qe ta menjanojme kete problem dhe duke heq nga inventaret e bere pirg duke prezentuar (BOOST THE ECONOMY DAYS)

Ne mes te dites se sotme dhe fundit te dites 2.582,qdo konsum i bukes dhe i armeve do te dyfishohet te nivelit q1 do te japin 10 energji per dallim nga normalja qe ishte 20 energji.Poashtu, nje arnik i cili normal mposhtet me 3 gjuajtje ,tani do te duhen 6 gjuajtje per ta mposhtur,per dallim nga gjuajtjet normale qe ishin 3 .

Ju lutem vini re se :
Bombat,raketat dhe bazukat nuk jane te prekure nga ky ndryshim
Energy bars nuk jane te prekure nga ky ndryshim.

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