Austria:In Personal Episode I-Luis Grindl

Day 1,969, 10:49 Published in Austria Austria by yst31

In the first episode of Austria:In Personal,it's a pleasure to receive the current Governor of eAustria,Luis Grindl.

LG-Luis Grindl

I:Hi Luis,almost 20 times congress-member,1 time president of eAustria and you already have been in the 100 top fighter list,apart of that,How do you describe yourself?

LG:I think I'm very patriotic and fair, I'm always trying to do the best for eAustria. I would say I'm a person with who you can talk about many things, I never try to perjudice anybody.

I:The picture of your profile is one of the most important part of the game,because in that way people obtain a first impression about you,so Mr Grindl,What does your picture means for you and why do you choose that specific picture?

LG:Thats a funny story. "Luis Grindl" is name which I created when I was younger (about 8-10 years old), it's a name of a Farmer which I used for playing with small cars. I didn't think that I would play this game that long so I just typed this name in here and uploaded a picture which shows a traditional farmer from Austria. I think everybody knows me by that picture now so i dont change it any more.

I:That's a cool story,have you ever think about grow yourself a beard,a moustache or both of them as in your picture?

LG:Hehe, No, I don't wear any beard in real life, I think it wouldn't fit me.

I😮k,but if we you do it,let us know 😉,Now let's focus a bit on the game,how did you start on erepublik and why do you choose Austria specifically?

LG:Hehe ok. A few years ago I quit a footballmanger-browsergame because it got boring after two years playing it and I was searching for a new game. On a website ranking for browsergames I found erepublik and decided to try it. The reason why I chose Austria is, as I said before, is that I'm very patriotic and I'm from Austria in real life.

I:If you weren't from Austria or if Austria wouldn't be available,which country would you choose?

LG😃ifficult question, maybe Germany or Switzerland because of the language.

I:Now you are a consolidated member of the community,but what do you felt when you started?

LG:It was quite difficult but different to now. Since i was active in IRC,really soon, I knew more and more people. Some people like Boroevic von Bojna helped me a lot and explained me many things because the game was much more complicated then.

I😛robably you have lived a lot of great and not so greats moments here,but what is your favorite moment here?

LG😮ne of the best moments for me was in a battle against italy, where we beated italy although they were much stronger and had more players than we had.

I:And the worst?

LG:The worst moment probably was when A.Emmerich PTOed us and decided to attack Slovakia, a close ally to us and stole money from the Bundesheer organisation.

I:Many people come other people leave,but who is the person that have left the game whom you miss more?

LG😛uh, difficult. Maybe AliasSun and Erdoni.

I:Talking about the eAustrian people,whom do you think is the most trustful person in eAustria,in your opinion?

LG:There are a lot of them, for example Rangeley, Schwrzwolf, OEBernd, LarsUlrich87, KillerD(Prince of Austria), GazonkFoo but also people i know in real life like exkrementensammler and nitch08.

I:And to finish with the eAustrian population,Is there anybody that you wish to kick him/her out of eAustria?

LG😮h, of course, there are some: The Tigers. Because I hate PTO and I hate when you play an unfair game, when you create multis and get CS by scripts and tinyurls who mislead congress-members. I can't understand how this actions can be tollerated by the Admins, they tricked (uses Multis) to be in top 5 Parties for elections but still have their congres seats. Unbelieveable

I:You talked about the passivity of the Admins,apart of that,What do you think is the worst thing in erepublik?

LG:I think the economy modul is just dead. It's just based on war, you basicly can't do anything else than fight against other countries.

I:And the best?

LG:The best thing is the Community, without the community that we have here in eAustria I would have probably left the game long time ago.

I:In erepublik,they can scam your money or gold in some many ways,one of them is the First Kit AID,which costs 0.5 gold=100ATS and which gives us the huge quantity of energy of 10,Have you ever buy (even accidentally) this kit ?

LG:As far as i know have I never bought one accidentally but,yes, i bought this kit 3 times in a battle for Slovakia. They had to win it and I wanted to get the BH medal but had nothing left, no well to recover, no energybars so I had to try it, finally I managed to get the Battle-Hero-Medal and got the Gold back.

I:And to finish,what plans has Luis Grindl for the future?

LG:Help eAustria the best way I can and get stronger to help even more in the battles.

I:Thank you for accepting this interview and wish you all the best to reach your goals.

LG:You're welcome.and Thanks for the interview.

And in the next episode of Austria:In personal...........................

The current President of eAustria

Schwrzwolf !