Australian Revolution

Day 2,394, 22:07 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Natalia Poklonskaya

We here at The Free Japan are deeply sorry for not having written many articles as of late. Time has been flying by and we were swept up in the short-lived rise of our great nation.

But do not let our lack of longevity heavy your hearts; the Japanese people are strong in will and fortitude. We are not fighting for our freedom at the moment, so let us pass that strength to those in need, the Australians.

The Australians have been under the thumb of a few other countries for many moons, but there is currently a revolution to liberate the island of Tasmania from the Macedonians.

They need the help of the strong, courageous, generous Japanese. Will you lend a hand to those in need? The Free Japan asks that you do, for do unto others as you would have done unto yourself.

Help the Australians; let the world know that the Japanese are a people that would be advantageous to have on one's side; let the world know that the Japanese are not defeated.

Remember to pick up a copy of The Free Japan, your number one news
source for an ever-changing Asia.

We here at The Free Japan care about our readers. If you have any
questions, comments, suggestions, or whatever, feel free to
contact the Lead Director, Natalia Poklonskaya.