Are you new? Kinda? Read this...

Day 1,008, 23:59 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

{Blame Niall for this article… it came from a conversation we had in IRC while trying to help out eSA}

~Want this to be fun?
~Want to go far, get elected and stuff?
~Ok. Sit down. Listen. (Gormley, in the corner and shut it!) ~R.I.P J. Campbell

It was a joke. I love you.

If you haven't raged into begging gold to start a paper or shouted to your six friends that I am the devil, then please, for the love of all that is dirty and debaucherous, listen. I do love you.


I was a NoOb once too. Granted I am as old in RL as I may seem in e-life (and waaaaaay more sarcastic in RL) I once had to ask how to fight, eat, train and find the privy just like everyone else. If it were not for Grainne Ni Mhaille, Digits and Castaneda I would still be figuring out where the damn forum was... so here is the (sarcastic) but all important basic guide.... Because I do LOVE YOU! Think of me as the Anti-Edana (Though I love that girl like crazy, she will always be "My Noob, capital "N"). I don’t do hugs and kisses...

I do:


Five Rules for Great Success

1. Find a Mentor.

Someone that has been around awhile. At least six months. Seen the good and the bad. Good place to look? Who is on every day? Who is commenting on everything? If you can't decide then search the top ten of each party and start saying hello. This game has nothing to do with war, politics or anything else. It is Facebook with a Hate/Love Button. Find a Sea Daddy (obscure military term) and start bugging the hell out of them... if all else fails, call me.

2. Re-the-f**king-lax. This goes for some older players too

No one is going to take away your birthday or ruin your name. It IS a game. You however can delay your progress by not doing your research before;

a) Publishing your first article
b) Running for office
c) Endorsing a candidate

3. Get on the forum. Stop here. Get on the forum.

Really? Still here? Look. The National Forum is where 90% of eIreland's business used to happen. A lot of it still does. We are in a popular downturn coupled with an economic disaster, but this is still where people are going to check to see if you are "participating". Get there... 'nuff said.

3.5 IRC

Ask somebody. But man, do you need it...

4. Join the IDF

Get trained, get taught, get smart, get guns… go here.

5. Party Affiliation

I’ve never given a damn about Partisanship. The only thing that mattered to me was the people I met in the parties. I was lucky I met a grand bunch of golden peeps in Independent Voices. But if that is your thing, go to your Party page, click the link that looks like this:

And get involved… your friends are waiting there for you, and they WANT you!

In summation

Whether you want to be a war hero, the next Malcom Forbes or just want to put on your Che Guevara T-shirt from Hot Topic and drop the commie word like it's hot, hot, hot, you need to be informed. Start talking to people. Ask the questions... get the answers.

(Sensitive moment)

Look... I already think you rock just for being here. You picked eRep, about the most intellectual MMPORG you can find. So take a sec, throttle back and remember, even Peter Wiggin had to look around and make friends before he took over the world (you know you read Ender's Game)

Don’t forget that we love you…

Éirinn go Brách!!! o7

-Field Marshal Donovan Thomas

IDF Field Commander
Vice President of eIreland
Minister Of Defence [3]
Minister of Intelligence [2]
Minister of Information
Ceann Comhairle
Congressman for Dublin [2]
CO, Na Fianna
Ambassador to Peru and Venezuela
Vice Party President, Independent Voices
Party President of Guardians of Ireland
Congressman for Chungcheongbuk-do
General in the Theocratic Holy Army
Most Trusted Politician, Apr, 2010 - Most Acclaimed Publisher, Sept, 2009

secret advice: run spell check and always save your article in word or somewhere before you hit publish… eRep logs you out now and then… “Ohnoz! Blanckscreen!”