Appeal for fair treatment (Afrikaans, English)

Day 560, 09:53 Published in Brazil South Africa by Luc Praetor

Since this is now our first article, herewith an explanation on why this paper publishes in Afrikaans:

Afrikaans is derived (mostly) from Dutch and is mainly spoken in South Africa and Namibia, with smaller numbers elsewhere in Botswana, Angola, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Zambia, Australia, New Zealand, United States of America, Taiwan and Argentina. There is possibly over 100,000 Afrikaans speakers in the United Kingdom, with other substantial communities found in Brussels, Amsterdam, Perth, Mount Isa, Toronto and Auckland.

Geographically, the Afrikaans language is the majority language of the western one-third of South Africa (Northern and Western Cape, spoken at home by 69% and 58%, respectively). Afrikaans and Dutch are largely mutually intelligible.

Most importantly for the demographic of this paper, Afrikaans is among the eleven official languages recognised by the South African constitution.

An english version (Appeal for fair treatment) follows below:

Versoek om regverdige behandeling

Terwyl eSuid-Afrika se vroumense en kinders lê en bloei in 'n sloot gegrawe deur eBrasilië, nadat hul erg aangerand is deur eIndonesië in hul blits so kort na die onlangse PTO, sal die org van 'n spel maatskap ons artikels hewig stuit.

Ons artikels word gerapporteer deur die infantiele eBrasiliaanse burgers. Nog die slim karakters agter die support kaartjies, nog die Brasiliaanse burgers kan nie enige van die tien ander amptelike en inheemse tonge van die regte Suid-Afrika eers lees nie, maar hul neem aan dis gemorspos. Ons verkoop mos niks nie. Hoe werk dit?

Dis die grootste disrespek vir kulture in ons Wêreld.

As 'n eBurger wat so bietjie goud elke maand bykoop met my hardverdiende geldjies, is ek hewig teleurgesteld in die vlak van neutraliteit waarmee ek beloon word.

Hierdie jakkers wat ons waarskuwings stuur, ons artikels verander en dit soms ook verwyder is besig om ons eWêreld en enigste instrumente wat ons het te demp. Hoe kan mens 'n weerstandbeweging rig sonder propaganda? Waarom word dit nie toegelaat as 'n funksie in ons wêreld nie, maar hul sal 'n verdomde PTO toelaat asof dit in die regte lewe eens moontlik was.

PTOs is net reg as dit deur sektes of partye binne in die land self onstaan. Die feit dat stemme ingevlieg kan word net om 'n gekose regering omvêr te gooi is afskuwelik. Laat toe dat buitelanders wat in die land woon vir langer as 'n maand om so iets te doen, want dit kan in die RL gebeur.

Ek vra aan eRepublik om op te hou om net enige dwaas se "report abuse" knoppie te aanvaar, juis wanneer die kind wat dit rapporteer nie eers die taal kan lees nie. As hul dit nie verstaan nie, wat maak hul op die bladsy!?

Vat dinge met 'n knippie sout. Gee ons ons stemme van protes terug.

Ons baklei in 'n ware weerstandsbeweging, met die bietjie wat ons het. Gun ons dit! Hierdie is
'n versoek om regverdige optrede.

Appeal for fair treatment

While the women and children of eSouthAfrica lay bleeding in the ditches dug by eBrazil, after they have been viciously assaulted by eIndonesia in the blitz straight after the recent PTO, the game company has become a pawn of the eBrazilian usurpers.

Our articles are being reported by the infantile eBrazilian citizens. Yet neither the clever clogs behind the support tickets nor eBrazil can even read any of the other ten official and native languages in the real South Africa, but both these accept our articles as spam. We're not selling anything, why then?

This is the gravest disrespect to culture on our Earth, and the tolerance thereof.

As an eCitizen that manages to add a little gold each month from my hard earned cents, I am heavily disappointed in the level of neutrality with what I'm being rewarded.

These cowboys that send us drab warnings, changes our articles and even removes them entirely, is busy changing the New World by blunting some of the precious little tools we have available. How can a resistance movement exist without propaganda? Why is this method of revolt not being allowed, but they would allow the current form of PTO as if it is even possible in real life.

PTOs should only exist if factions or parties within the country execute the action. The fact that voters are flown in specifically to overthrow a legitimate government is ludicrous. Let immigrants stay in the country for longer than one month before allowing them to vote, as the limits apply to immigrants that eventually become eligible in real life.

I ask eRepublik to stop accepting these foolish "report abuse" clicks, especially when someone that can't even read the message, considers it to be spam. If they cannot read the language, what are they doing on the newspaper article in the first place?!

Use a pinch of salt. Give us our voices of resistance back.

We are fighting in a true resistance moment, with the little we have. Give us that! This is an appeal for sanity and fair treatment.
