And the legend never stopped

Day 2,192, 06:59 Published in Croatia France by Liberticide

Today and I want congratulate one of the person I admire here, a great person with a tons of talents and a huge stock of qualities, a massive dreamer that still filled with love. He has just reached a new rank today and i'm happy to present you

The legend of AlexMCS182 has continued in South Dalmatia where he fight for more than 1 billion damages and became a Titan Fox * on day 2192..

My daddy looks tough as nails
And hard as metal.
But the truth is easy to tell
He’s sweet and loving
And can always understand me
Patient he is
And he always makes a big difference in my everyday life.
Always managing to put a smile on my face.
Even when his days aren't so good
My daddy is my hero
He is my best friend who I can always trust
And I don’t have to worry about being misjudged
He is my daddy
And above everybody he is who makes me feel very happy
The truth is I love my daddy

Hi Titan Fox * ! o/
Hi Foxland ! o/
Hi Croatia ! o/

And the legend never stopped

A tribute for the Fox Of War *