An Open Letter To Chris Stanwick

Day 639, 09:41 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

Mr. Stanwick,

"I seriously doubt that one former American can do so alone. I do not condone hostile PTOs..." (Chris Stanwick)

I agree with your first statement, but not your implication that you are "One former American alone". You currently hold the largest subscribed to newspaper in Ireland based on your former audience, an audience for whom you have been attempting to "grease the skids" of immigration. And also an audience that is very vocal in its distrust and venomous dislike of you.

The second portion of the above quote is more disturbing. Are you implying that you do support "Non-hostile PTO's?"?

If you sincerely want to earn the trust of the eIrish people you would have first established an exploratory committee (rea😛 Poll in the forum) and requested the participation of Natural Born or Pre-Diaspora eIrish in determining the want of your help.

What bothers me the most is your manifesto. The words dedicated, committed, care, loyalty etc do not appear. You state you are running because you are bored and spend 12 hours a day in front of the computer and need to keep busy.

More Quotes:

"The region I run doesn't matter" (Chris Stanwick)

Run? Oh! You miss "running things" do you? "Run" a region sir? Or do you SERVE at the request of your constituents?

This is our home Mr. Stanwick. Though this is a game we love our country. Had you actually researched your new adopted home well enough you would have learned of the fierce dedication to this Fair Isle. We have seen our fair share of would be coups and foreign power mongers land on the Isle. If you had done your research you would find that they all went the way of the serpent.

"Please Help ease my boredom." (Chris Stanwick)


Though I have been very critical of President Aran Tal as of late I believe he is a dedicated eIrishman who has the best interests of this country at heart. I do not believe the same about you sir. You are a bored politician with no toy soldiers to play with.

Stand down. Spend some time here if you must, it is a free country after all and one who does embrace immigrants. But earn our trust, contain your boredom and lust for power. If you run do it when we ask you to, not until then.
