An eCanadian Scavenger Hunt

Day 1,438, 21:55 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

Those of you who know me well will likely have realized that I have a tendency to reference articles from a past long gone. Sometimes I just find them from memory, sometimes they’re buried away in my bookmarks and sometime’s I just stumble upon them. I enjoy reading things from the past, they help me remember, and at times they help me learn.

I would like to share this enthusiasm with you, and am challenging all eCanadians to a scavenger hunt. I’ve chosen 6 articles published in eCanada and added a new comment with a clue that leads to the next. In the last article there is a question that the hunter must answer. The first person to PM me with the correct answer is the winner!

As prize money, I will be offering the 5g I received from winning the recent congressional elections, but I promise you it won’t be easy. All participants are allowed one freebie. If you ever find yourself absolutely stuck just send me a PM and I’ll respond with the answer; but only once!

Clue #1
A friend of mine who’s name can be abbreviated as BM was born as part of the boomer generation eCanada experienced roughly 1000 days ago, along with myself. Though we were on opposite sides of the political spectrum at the time, we were able to achieve a mutual respect, and during my second run for congress we were both elected in the same province. You can find clue #2 in the comments of the article BM wrote celebrating his first year in erepublik.


So maybe posting this in the middle of the night wasn't the best idea but anyways, Armour144 was the first to get the correct answer and got the 5g.

So I'll be offering a 2nd and 3rd prize (50 and 25 tanks) to whoever else can complete the scavenger hunt, as well as bragging rights to everybody who can get it right.