Addy takes a turn hard right.

Day 1,497, 09:35 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Leo Balzac

You all disgust me. First, Addy is going to choose SELECT congress people to be bestowed the honour of hearing and debating the business of the country.

Secondly, failing being able to find the Leak, you're going to punish folks for publishing information they receive, whether they know it is from CDC or not?

These actions show the true colours of the Executive. I expect members of his government to agree- PDP, Ethel and others, but for the rest of you to kowtow to his demands it is disgusting. Grow some backbone Congress. Show this executive that you, the representatives of the Citizens of eCanada reject the extremists in the Executive. Either get Addy to back down, impeach him or play this game for the rest of time knowing you stood by and did nothing to stop tyranny.

To the Average eCanadian reading this, make your voice heard, go to this Thread and let the government know you're not happy.