Acta Est Fabula

Day 2,542, 13:38 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate
About three months ago the Directorate of Embassies has been created in Norway as a branch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The goal was to get a person in charge who would take care of the ambassadors and who would issue articles on other nations on a more or less regular base, hence getting the Public Relations of the Foreign Affairs a bit more into the focus of the public.
I have been the Director ever since and I had my fair share of both - successes and failures. I believe, however, that no person who is in charge of whatsoever branch of the government should stay in office for too long. Being too long in office is bad for a nation for a plurality of reasons.

That fact and the tiny little problem that each of us has a reality just next to the screen of your computer lead me to the decision to not candidate for a 4th consecutive term. I have had the opportunity to do my work with 2 different Ministers and three different presidents during that quarter year. I enjoyed the time. Those three months were all very different and a lot of things have been happening - some of which most of us would not have expected a quarter year ago.

During my time in office I was able to publish some articles. If you enjoyed them, I am pleased but I would be much more pleased it they helped our nation - our society in whatsoever way. This is now coming to an end and while I do feel relieved on the one hand, I am sure that I will miss the governmental work during the next terms.

For me, it is time to leave the government and to pass on the work to those people who do have the time to steer our beloved nation in the coming months. I hope there will be some successor to me assuming this office. I wish him all the best for improving and continuing the work I have been able to start here.

acting Director of Embassies
Ministry of Foreign Affairs