A second attempt at something.

Day 2,051, 22:10 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

[Author's Note: The funny thing is Oinyo knows I hate him just as much as everyone else!]

[This is a rewrite of the deleted one, forgive me for rushing through this.]

[Also I know there are some people from the Older Faction that really tried and for that I respect you completely. Thank you.]

Skip to bottom for TL😉R version.

The community and you,

This is a bigger problem than most of us think. We are aware of the fact, but we choose to ignore it. Unfortunately, that can't continue to happen for obvious reasons as is seen in eCanada today.

Contempt and Disgust

The hate and slander.

Please stop, I honestly don't care anymore. I don't care about what either side says to justify their actions, it just has to stop.

This directly has to do with the community.

I personally like to think the community is split into two factions, the new players and the old players. Of course both types of players are needed, but the communication between these two factions is very weak.

Sooner or later, the chain WILL break. (I used a chain in this representation to represent a Chain of Command, clever huh?)


The Old Players:

You are a crucial stone in the foundation of eCanada, you are most of our fighting power, our knowledge, and our experience. Yet more and more, all I see from you is just a hurdle.


The feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn.

You don't try to understand Oinyo's plans for the term nor tried to help from the very beginning. In fact, the community was just a hinderance.

You are part of the reason eCanada is breaking apart and you don't even understand why. It is better to try your hardest like Oinyo did than to just spout hate and false criticism.

While eCanada achieved absolutely nothing from Oinyo's term like we predicted except relationship improvements and alliances, he tried his hardest to change things. (Without much success, but props to him and his cabinet for their hard work.)

Do you know what Oinyo was met with this term?

A f*cking brick wall made by the community.

He still tried his hardest even when the community turned its back on him.

Why is that the Veterans, the experienced players who criticize every move the CP makes but do nothing themselves are respected? Instead of guiding people like they should be, they just stomp other player's dreams and ambitions into the ground. (Which belongs to Spain now!)

The main point is, as the experienced players of our community we are counting on you to make a difference and help out the newer players. Volunteer for cabinets, write articles.

Just do something useful instead of stroking each other's ePeens.

You have the power to make a difference, please use it.


New Players

Congratulations (Or should I feel sorry for you?) on joining eRepublik and thanks for supporting eCanada. You must be wondering what role you play in this? (A large one!)

I like to think the Newer Players are afraid to get involved, or talk with all the veterans. So this will be straight forward.

Activity and Respect


Get involved! Help out and get on IRC!

We will someday become important and as such we must be prepared for when we're needed. All older players want from you is to be active and participate in everything.


Us new players, completely rely on everything built by the older players. We rely on their factories, their weapons, and their guidance.

Please, respect the older players, because they know much more about the game than we do, and learn from them. There is a reason as to why they are so accomplished in eRepublik and why they are needed in battles.

Outside of game mechanics, you may find these people to be extremely friendly and generous. All you need to do is say Hi or get involved with your MU/Party. There is a 99% chance, that they'll be helping out their MU or Party.


Also I'd like to discuss Uncle Buck I mean immaturity.

People like this are completely useless and not to be trusted.

Uncle Buck only has one reason for leaving eCanada and refusing to fight for eCanada.


Are you F#CKING serious? Really?

It's funny that you still even post in eCanada articles, you aren't an eCanadian in the slightest. You turned your back on the community when it needed you with the smallest excuse you could think of. #Contempt

You've called yourself a hero/patriot in the past.

All I see is an idiot.

If you were a true patriot, you would work with Oinyo to achieve something for eCanada, not just run away and blame it on "government."

Our entire government is made up of people who care and try their hardest for us.

When we get our congress, I swear to god you better not try to come back.

You are completely useless to us right now.


TL😉R Version

Old Players: Use our experience to help the new players who need you

New Players: Be active and involved. Respect the Old Players.

Uncle Buck: A huge F#ck you.