A Portrait of a President

Day 634, 23:42 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

How many of us know Aran Tal? For noobs like me he can be as daunting as many of the local eIrish titans like TG, Patton and the elusive and oft referred to Michael Collins. Allow me to help you understand a little about our current president from easily found public data.

First off, his avatar; The Budhist Mandala [From Wikipedia]

According to David Fontana, its symbolic nature can help one "to access progressively deeper levels of the unconscious, ultimately assisting the meditator to experience a mystical sense of oneness with the ultimate unity from which the cosmos in all its manifold forms arises."

The psychoanalyst Carl Jung saw the mandala as "a representation of the unconscious self," and believed his paintings of mandalas enabled him to identify emotional disorders and work towards wholeness in personality”.

From his own eRepublik Wiki, it is stated that he is known to have spent time in;

Hungary, Romania, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Australia, South Africa, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and South Korea. He speaks several languages to a degree of proficiency and has used this ability to negotiate on Ireland's behalf with other nations.

On War Games

“I will carefully consider, with close consultation with Congress, the DoFA and the war-council which is the best option when the time comes. I am not willing to rush in wildly, however, to any conflict, thereby jeopardising our delicate security.”

On the state of the World

“At this time of global conflict many nations are, like us, ducking under the fox-hole and bloodying their knuckles on their rosary beads that they might go unnoticed by the powers that hold sway.”

In regards to Former President Starks

“Many of you are angry about Starks' inactivity and cavalier attitude while in office, and so am I. I, who worked harder than anyone for that enthusiastic and friendly boy to win the office he will now lose, am furious. Starks made a great many mistakes and will pay for them, as the representatives of the people vote overwhelmingly in favour of his dismissal, but the people behind the curtain have run Ireland well, and I pay tribute to them. Nithraldur has agreed to allow me continue in my own humble office for the remainder of the term, and I hope he keeps on the majority of cabinet to finish the work we tried to start.”

On Himself

“Contrary to recent opinion put about in the media, I am not the dark lord, Lucifer. I am an ordinary guy who ran for president on my party's bidding, and by some unfortunate fluke ended up winning.”

“I began the campaign fighting for my party's honour, with tempered expectations of success and have ended up "winning" by a huge and artificial margin.”

On his term

“I will be listening to your advice for the next 31 days. The only way to make it a great month is to work together.”

In closing

As you might notice my bio if you care to look I’m only 12 or so days old so I’ve not had much of a chance to see Mr. Tal in action. He seems a nice enough Gent.

Perhaps we shall see him soon. Perhaps the Vice President will continue to speak for him.

Perhaps. Until then…