Day 853, 13:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by castaneda
For Those Who Don't Know ME

I started life in ireland nearly a year ago,but quickly tired of the once a week battles (and people complain wen TW's are late by a few hrs these days) I moved to hungary within a month and made many friends in the Hun army , elite, and black armies. I learned a lot in these days away and reported what i learned back to those who wer interested back in ireland .

I moved back for the shannon exercise then promptly to Canada when the Brits region swapped Scotland with the hun's . I fought in Canada during the whole of its remaining existence and ended up with French citizenship for my troubles.
This came in handy for undermining the french scramble for political control of canadian territories . I was part of black-op's in the canadian resistance movement .After the fall of Alberta i moved to Florida to continue the fight against the mighty Peace machine.


Sometime before the invasion of canada i started running guns to the worlds hotspots , supplying cheap guns to troops and making enough money to fund my own fighting with weapons. When in Canada and the US i supplied a great many irish people who were there fighting for them .

To this day i still supply many people from all over the world with weapons , and up until a few months ago i still supplied intelligence information and advice to our MoD's , CoS's and others who would listen . I have been offered a cabinet position a few times in Ireland but have turned them all down for one reason or another . I am/was probably the longest serving CO in the IDF until my resignation . (Soon to be remedied hopefully)

I would like to think im one of Ireland most trustworthy citizens through my many blackmarket buisness dealings (bit ironic that).
I am the owner of many weapons companies,All successful.

I finally relented in the end of december and decided i would try to change certain things in Ireland from the inside and Eventually ran for congress .After two successful congress runs i am itching to get fighting but have decided to run for congress again ,
So if u want an honest guy who tries to do whats right, consider me when voting in the Northeast in a few days time.

Thats me
Castaneda - Irelands biggest gun dealer , freedom fighter , and Shaman ,Warrior and 1%er.


Like others i find party politic's in eRepublik not to my liking, that is why when i eventually joined a party for real it was never going to be one of our mainstream parties.
I joined the IRP (radicals) after a time trying to make up my mind between them and IV , very shortly after joining (mere days infact) , the two parties merged 🙂
I feel at home in Independent Voices , I dont have to toe a particular party line , i dont have to follow orders on who to vote for,
Some people have brought up the word partisanship when talking about parties in Ireland, I dont think it applies to IV, I for one have never looked to see which party have brought forward a particular piece of legislation , or put forward an idea , For me parties dont come into the decision .
I joined IV because i dont hold "left" or "right" views but would rather think for myself, Most of my dearest friends ingame are in IV , we are not friends because we are in IV. It just happened that we ended up in the same party .

So if you havn't joined a party yet i urge you to consider joining Independent Voices , We have an ex President , many military minded people, buisness owners, free thinkers and all round good guy's n gal's
Oh yeah we have the obligatory party company too
And if are in a party already , ask yourself "is it the right party for me ?"

Thanks for taking the time to read