A letter to Germany and her people

Day 1,786, 04:45 Published in Sweden Sweden by Kain Propan

Hello everyone

I’m sure most of you have read the articles made by Freiheitskaempfer and BadMax. They basically tell us that the Swedish president (Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf aka neppons) promised Germany 250k CC from his own pocket but that Germany, at the time the articles were published, had not yet received the money. The articles had a tone to them that suggests that the Swedish President tried avoiding paying the money. Now I’ll give a more in depth recap of what has actually happened. From the beginning to the end.

***There might be some minor errors here but if there are it is not likely that it will change anything. The most important parts of this article are correct.***

It started with Germany making a demand/”offer” to Lithuania that Lithuania should pay Germany 250k to get peace. A day or so later ABC requested a meeting. In that meeting ABC presented a peace deal. The deal offered the following.

• 250k to Germany for the war to end. All wars excluding Belarus.

So at the time of this offer Sweden and Belarus had or were about to wipe Latvia and Finland were marching on Estonian soil. Germany on the other hand had lost Scania and at that point started to lose regions in Lithuania. I think she only had 2 regions left out of which 1 was about to be RWd. She had also prior to this accidently NE’d Latvia instead of Lithuania which however was canceled due to the loss of a border with Latvia. Still, it was too late to NE Lithuania at this time.

The German President and representative at the meeting BadMax was very thrilled about this peace offer. Germany would get 250k just like that. He wanted Asgard to accept. We refused. Some of you will understand directly why but for those of you who don’t I’ll list a few reasons why we didn’t want to accept it.

• Sweden and Finland would have to return all regions for free.
• If this peace were signed Belarus would be standing alone against both Latvia and Lithuania which would most likely mean them getting wiped again.
• Sweden had lost 2 food bonuses (The 2 regions rented from Germany) since the beginning of the war. Two regions that would be almost impossible to start renting again.
• Finland usually has the upper hand on Estonia and benefits from Estonian bonuses even if at war with Estonia. A white peace would mean no more bonuses for Finland even though they clearly are the stronger of the two.

There are more but these are the most important ones. So as you can see, the only benefactors of this peace deal would be Germany and ironically ABC. Sweden, Finland and Belarus would be completely ripped off. We rejected the offer as I said earlier. BadMax was getting a bit upset about this since he, somewhat understandable, wanted something from the war before it was too late. It was only a matter of time before Germany would be out of the war and as a consequence lose their seat at the negotiation table. There was also an undertone to him that suggested that he thought that Asgard was stopping Germany from gaining 250k because we refused the offer. But what annoyed me personally here is the lack of taking ones “allies” interests into consideration here. It simply didn’t seem to matter that this deal would be a complete rip off to Asgard and probably result in the end for Belarus while it on the other hand benefited our common enemy ABC. As long as Germany(BadMax) got what they(he) wanted it didn’t matter. I would have never even considered accepting such a peace offer if I had been in BadMaxs shoes out of respect for the others involved. That kind of thought process didn’t seem to exist in BadMax mind though seeing as he so clearly wanted us to accept this deal.

As Asgard really had appreciated the help the German people had given us with entering the war and the fact that BadMax was getting really upset about this we decided to try and convince ABC to sign this deal separately with Germany. In other words, Asgard and Belarus would not be included in this peace deal. ABC refused. So in a last ditch effort to help Germany get something out of this war before it was too late, to put some pressure on ABC to agree on signing a peace deal with only Germany, neppons(Swedish CP) wrote his famous lines about the 250k. A bluff at the time with the purpose to try and make ABC believe that Germany would receive 250k even if ABC refused the separate peace and thus keep the Germans will to fight back alive and stay in the war which in turn would be bad for ABC. ABC didn’t buy it and refused. BadMax however bought it. Some may argue that he understood very well that it was a bluff but pretended like he didn't. That we just won’t ever know.

Soon after neppons got a message from BadMax about the 250k. A bit surprised about this confrontation neppons agreed to pay 250k to Germany. And this is where the story becomes either “aha” or “bullshit” to most people.

He never bluffed about the 250k to try and get Lithuania to pay the money. He just wanted to pay Germany 250k for the lulz(?).
***I’d love to hear the reasoning from people who think that his initial plan was to pay 250k to Germany. Why would he out of nowhere offer Germany 250k from his own pocket? It’s not like it was Asgards or anyone else's fault that Germany wouldn’t get any money. The deal was simply too bad to accept.***

He did try and bluff ABC but failed and ironically bluffed BadMax instead. Now why didn’t he just say like it was: that it was a bluff? To me it is quite clear and self explanatory but that may be because I was present at all of this. Germany had done a lot for Asgard in this war and were about to be kicked out without getting anything out of it. Neppons knew this. He also knew that denying BadMax the money could be a huge blow to the relations between Germany and Asgard. BadMax would feel even more cheated, since in BadMaxs mind Asgard had already “shot down” the 250k from Lithuania (this is based off of the undertones of BadMax during and after the negotiations but also confirmed in the article written by FHK), which would then most likely spread to the German population.

So as you can see neppons valued the relations between our two countries more than the 250k. Note that it was not Sweden that was going to pay 250k to Germany it was neppons himself. Time goes by, neppons is busy IRL with 14(?) hour shifts, a private life etc. He gets messaged about the money several times and replies that it will be taken care of as soon as he gets some extra time.

So German Government representatives become impatient and publish two articles. One of them is made by BadMax where he says that Sweden is not to be trusted. One might ask what Sweden has to do with a promise between Germany and a single player? “Sweden is probably not to be trusted” A sentence that gives the people of Germany the impression that this was some kind of deal between Sweden and Germany, a deal which Sweden hasn’t fulfilled. That was simply not the case. And it wasn't a typical eRep deal. It was more of a charity deal where neppons gave money for free not expecting anything in return other than the hopes that our relations would remain as good as I would say they are/where.

The second article was written by the current German President Freiheitskaempfer. He was at the time MoFA or vCP I believe. This article, clearly confirms what I wrote earlier about Germany (BadMax and now FHK too judging by what he wrote in his article) blaming Asgard for not accepting a, to all but Germany and ABC, worthless peace deal. “they tried to dominate the peacetalks and did not offer anything, that’s why we, Germany, were not able to gain any profit from our war on the Baltic states.” This is just ridiculous. It was our fault that Germany didn’t get any money from ABC? Even though we were the ones who tried to get Germany a separate peace? ABC gained more from the peace deal presented by ABC than Sweden, Finland and Belarus did which simply wasn’t good enough. Expecting us to accept such a deal is, I would say, almost insulting tbh.

The article later takes up the promise about the 250k but makes it sound like something it really wasn’t. The offer was completely out of goodwill from neppons. Because he is a nice guy and because he appreciates Germany along with the fact that he didn’t want the misunderstanding to mess up the relations. If he didn’t care about Germany he simply would have said, No I will not give Germany any money. But he didn’t, he said yes, I will pay. Hell, even someone who really likes Germany don’t go around promising 250k away just like that. But neppons did.

So here we have two articles from the two top dogs from last months German government complaining and accusing both neppons, Sweden and Asgard for quite a few things despite the fact that this guy has said that he will pay Germany 250K FROM HIS OWN POCKET because he decided he wanted to, not because he HAD to. This was never some contract where Sweden bribed Germany into joining the war, this was never a deal with some sort of deadline that had been broken or a substitute for the 250k that ABC offered. It was simply one person deciding to be nice since he felt sorry for the fact that Germany wasn't getting anything even though Germany had helped us so much. He didn’t have to pay anything to Germany if he didn’t want to but he decided to do just that. And as a 'thank you' he gets two articles that basically does the exact opposite of what was intended when he said yes to giving Germany 250k.

Now I am sure there are some people out there who will say/think that because Germany joined the war and helped out they are automatically entitled to compensation. All I can say is sorry, we really appreciated and needed the help we got from you, but if countries paid each other for helping each other out it would just be about the money and not the friendships we build. And let’s not forget that Asgard fought like true Norsemen for Germany just as much as you fought for us. Sweden even kept the war with Lithuania open 2-3 extra days, despite having both Lithuania and Latvia NEs ravaging our homeland and despite having several chances at closing the war with Lithuania, just to make the German invasion of Lithuania easier. We had forum orders on all Scania battles so that Germany could keep a route to Lithuania and basically all the direct battles between Germany and Lithuania. We didn’t mind that we lost aluminum just so Germany could have a direct route to the bonuses they had acquired in Lithuania. All in all, we sacrificed a lot and we would do it again.

Now I’ll end this very long article with saying that we very much want to keep our friendship strong and we hope that we can forget this and avoid such things in the future. I know I’ve written some shit in PM to some after seeing those articles, which I shouldn’t have and for that I apologize.

Kind regards
Kain Propan – vCP of eSweden