A letter left in Áras an Uachtaráin

Day 639, 00:22 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

Below is the letter placed within Áras an Uachtaráin by myself with the questions sent to Digits for the Presidents "Leader's Questions". I await his answers.


Mr. President,

Submitted for your consideration; contained within is a list of five questions that I have submitted to Digits (AKA 05637716) as per your requirement for communication to the Commander in Chief from the citizenry. As I am not able to attend your scheduled “Leader’s Questions” I hope you will forgive my absence and consider my questions worthy of answer.

If answering them via your cabinet release or in the Tal Order is undesired, please feel free to post a reply directly here (if it won’t clutter your abode too much) or in the comment section of Cork and Whine (please see my signature for a link).

[Questions follow signature.]

Corporal Donovan Thomas
eIrish Citizen

1. In the wake of Former President Starks' inactivity and your staunch campaign platform condemning his blatant dereliction of duty to the eIrish people how do you explain your own absence and lack of public announcement of said leave that would have saved me all this typing?

2. Can you be more specific as to your statement “I am monitoring the situation in South Africa” and what you have done to reach out to President Schumacher as a fellow Neutral currently experiencing an influx of American refugees? Also, what are your plans to keep eIreland from suffering the same fate?

3. Can you please address reports that a Q5 state weapon was used during recent war games and why that weapon was wasted and not held in reserve for the real world conflict with eTurkey? If this was not state sanctioned, will the weapon be replaced at no cost to the tax payer?

4. What is the status of recovering pilfered funds by the fugitive Lord Rhindon and will the President intervene to return the wrongfully dispensed Q5 House from the unqualified recipient?

5. Can you discuss plans to institute the Garda Síochána and will they be properly and monetarily supported? Further, will you support the intelligence service or continue to rely on the kindness of your people to provide you information on international dealings of a clear and present danger to eIreland?