A Damsel with a Dulcimer

Day 1,855, 12:15 Published in Australia Argentina by BOUD1CCA

I love poetry & believe that it is the greatest muse.
A good poem can evoke strong images & feelings, can make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
And I intend to put poems in all my articles - for often they express how I feel about eRep situations, better than my words could ever hope to.
Like this one
But what has happened I have the images & feelings. Yet have forgotten the words that invoked them. & also the name of the poem.

It is a naval poem of WWI (and if anybody knows the poem & tells me I would be most grateful )

A British warship fighting a squadron of German cruisers, outnumbered, outarmored, outgunned. But the British warship remained "stubbornly hopelessly fighting on"
It is drifting away on fire & sinking it is still fighting to the very end,
the question was asked why & what is the point of such a heroic but futile resistance?

(Doesn't the situation seem so like Australia's )

The answer was that the bravery & stubborn determination of that British ship was an example to the Germans of how they should behave, for below the horizon & steaming towards them was a British fleet, the German squadron would soon be in the same position as the ship they just destroyed.

It doesn't matter if you are beaten - that's short term. If you fight to the very end you are NOT defeated

Karma is such a #$%^ - what is dealt out in pride & arrogance will be dealt back to you in full. Likewise acts of decency, courtesy & friendship will be repaid in kind. I truly believe this.

So you see how I feel about Australia's present situation.

It has been put to the Australian community, "here is the deal, accept it or else". I am sure the words were courteous but the steel & arrogance were there, for all the world to see. "Hang on with your futile resistance wars & then all CoT will use you as a punching bag. To teach you a lesson". Check out Chilean newspapers about how Australia is to be divided up amongst the "Victors" (even NZ gets a bit - cheaper than paying them rent for Otago)

But really what would their lesson be? We ganged up on a country much smaller than us & trashed it, haven't we covered ourselves in glory, aren't we brave - the fact that the country is still fighting, well we will pass over that quickly & hope the rest of the eRep community doesn't notice.

But if we give in to Chile's demands (don't anybody say they are not arrogant nor contemptuous) - to gain what? I have asked the Australian appeasers, who are convinced they act in our best interests & seem deaf to the groundswell of discontent. What is the cost of being wiped? Some costs are obvious - but how terrible are they? I cannot even get a straight answer as to what the total costs are - nobody wants to tell me for some reason.
The cost of giving in, well that is blindingly obvious - an immense loss of face, Australia will be seen as a weak needy puppet - taught a well deserved lesson by our "betters" (HA!)

Fight for your convictions to the greatest of your ability - do not accept defeat.

Otherwise you will be seen as this
You don't have to agree with my take on things - a fanatic who has no idea "how eRep works bla bla. But if you feel disquiet, if you feel a better path should be taken between mine & the sad carryings on we are witnessing.
Then please join us the Australian Revolutionary Party.
Sign up & offer your services for the party, for Australia. Involve yourself in our in game feed & in the Forums. We are a true democracy, and we are prepared to listen \o/
and we are prepared to help. Sign up & lets work for the renewal of Australia (we may well not end up free - but we will not have lost our dignity